The Hogwarts Express

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The rest of the week flew by, I had some nightmares but otherwise I was fine. No sign of Draco or any Death Eaters. Every day was pretty much the same; get up, take a sane pill, have breakfast and then look around diagon alley (some times knockturn) and come back.
But today when I get up I pack my bag with all my belongings, drop off my key and go to Kings Cross station on the knight bus.
"What's yer name, gurl." said the familiar voice of Stan Stunkpike. "Still Calista." I said. " Oh sorry, Calister. where de ye wan te go?" he said like he couldn't care less. "Kings Cross station ."I said. The way I said it makes me feel like I might as well die of boredom. " Goin' back to 'Ogwarts, den." he said picking at his finger nails. I was going to answer but he talked before me. "Ern, we need te go te Kings Cross." he said and I find a place to sit.
It was seconds after we were out side the station. So I mumble thanks and got out. The station was packed with muggles and withes and wizards. So I find the pillar between 9 and 10 and ran at it like Sirius told me to do.
It brought me to a train station with witches and wizards everywhere and instead of number 10 on the sign it says 9 3/4. I look at the red steam engine that says 'Hogwarts Express' on it and I walk to the storage and put every thing but my robe and my pet mockingjay, Aster inside.
Then I go inside and try and find Draco, as I'm going along I feel him a few carts down. When I open look in the window to the door I see its full and I catch his eye and he gestures for me to go. So I mouth 'it's okay, it's full' and feeling squirmy when he looks disappointed I try and to sense a cart that's not full.
So I close my eyes and 'see' that there's a spot with only three people. As I walk up to it I can't help but hear Draco trying to get somebody to leave and smile to myself. Without thinking I open the door and see that the three people in there are Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.
"Is it okay if I sit here there's no where else to sit." I said as nice as possible. Before Ron could give Harry a questioning look, Hermione said "Sure." Really nicely with a buck tooth smile. "Thanks." I said with a smile I hope didn't look as fake as it felt. Ron made a place for me to sit separating us with his owl cage and a really outdated dress robe on top. I get the seat closest to the window which I prefer.
"I'm Hermione Granger." she said. This gave me an excuse to look at her. She was beautiful when you look past her frizzy hair and her buck teeth. "I'm Calista Strof." I said with a half fake smile. "What house are you in?" she said politely. "I don't no yet." I said shrugging.
Before Hermione could answer Ron shouted. "YOUR IN FIRST YEAR?" I already didn't like him."No, I'm in my 4th year. But I've never been to Hogwarts. So I got to catch up, I'm doing 3 extra exams." I said and thankfully it shut him up.
But Hermione was not done talking. "How does that work? It must be rare." She said really fast. "Well I guess it is, I just was kind of locked in my room my mom didn't tell me I was a witch." I said. I wasn't even in a lying, I have been locked up in a cell, which could have been a terrible bedroom. Plus I my mom was killed when I was less then 1 years old. I have never told I lie before, I was not going to start now.
After that Hermione stopped interrogating me after that so I look out the window at the scenery outside. After a while the slide door open and Draco Malfoy walked in with two bulky boys that remind me of the Death Eaters Crabbe and Goyle.
He probably didn't see me cause he started making fun of Ron's dress robe.
But when I turned around right away he looked at me and his smirk turned into a closed mouth smile. Harry and Hermione looked shocked, but Ron looked enraged.
" There's now room in my cart if you want to come." He said. I smiled back and said "Sure, that would be great." I held back a laugh as I seen Ron. He looked like he was either going to hex Draco or take me for a hostage.
So I got my bag and Aster's cage and took his hand. Before we could get out a plump lady stood in are way. "We're going to stop soon, stay in your cart."
I could tell Draco was about to argue so I grabbed his arm, mumbled to come and sit down. Know all three of them were confused, like it was a they thought it was a miracle.
Throughout the ride Draco's hand was under mine the rest of the way to Hogwart's. It was warm and I tried to keep my powers under control, but it was hard I had butterfly's in my stomach and I tried not to smile.
Finally the train stopped Draco mumbled he was going to get he's stuff out of his cart. I was the first out of the cart as there eyes went into me like daggers until I was out of sight. I whistled and Aster sang back to me. Not many noticed, the ones who did looked at what they were doing a second later.
As I came out of the red steam engine I see a tower, no towers. Hundreds of them all different sizes and shapes. They were all attached to one thing, Hogwarts. Then an amazing feeling cut through me like no other. I was home.

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