7. Acceptance

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Dedicated to everyone who has an art instilled within, I hope you explore and flow freely, baring your soul and wearing your art with pride, like your skin.



Acceptance - my greatest fear,
a step and the next,
I could finally bear.

walking upon my fears
stiffened waters
which could easily
and drown me
or hold up
to the order
of its Creator
let me
walk upon it
wonder, faith and hope.

- The Saharan Wildflower.


This makes up the seventh.

Acceptance, as the last poem because I had always held back sharing my poems for the fear of acceptance, now that I have, I want to inform you, O Dear Acceptance, I don't really care about you that much.

But I really do want to know your thoughts on Dear Eighteen.

Okay, maybe I kind of care about acceptance a little bit. On a scale of 1-10, how was Dear Eighteen?

Thank you so much for reading, it means alot to me. Especially if you starred or commented. 🤎 Thank you.

Love and Light,
The Saharan Wildflower.

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