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I actually wrote and unpublished the first chapter before, if this story seems familiar to u. That's why lol :p

I just decided to keep it up because why not? Plus I'm bored lol

After the meeting, Canada invites me to get some coffee with him and his friends Denmark and the Netherlands. I don't usually feel so nervous around strangers, but my heart was pounding out of its chest just introducing myself to them. However, I muscled through the anxiety and went with them. We all ordered some coffee and pastries, before sitting down and chatting.

"So Tex, what made you cede from the Union?" Denmark asked.

"W-w-well we w-weren't all g-getting along, s-s-so I decided it m-m-might be time for a change of p-p-pace," I say, with an unusual stutter. I purse my lips. I spoke as confident as ever, why the hell did everything come out so stuttered?!

"You got a speech impediment or something? I had one for a bit. I couldn't say 'r's," Canada said understandingly.

"Um... I d-dunno... n-never noticed it b-before," I say. They smiled pitifully.

"I remember stuttering a lot when I mixed up Dutch and English... oh well, it can't be helped. I think your stutter is endearing," Neth said, the others giggling. I smile sheepishly. I don't like this new role as 'the pitiful little new kid'. I miss when I was 'the boisterous cowboy a**hat'...

Whatever, I chose this life...

"Tejas, Necesito hablar con tú," I hear. I turned around and saw Mexico standing right behind my chair. I purse my lips.

"Bueno, estoy ocupado. ¿Puede esperar?" I ask. Mexico looks sternly at me.

"Eso no fue un pedido. Fue una orden," Mexico said. Wow, he really thinks he can boss me around?! Im a country now, he can't just-

Mexico grabs me and drags me to a corner.


"Texas, I'm sorry for being rude, ok? But I really need to stress this; I want to help you. If you just listen to me when I say we need to talk, everything will be fine-,"

"Mex, I don't need you to baby me," I spat. Mexico looks slightly surprised.

"Texas, look... I'm worried for you. You're a new Country, completely new... I don't want anyone taking advantage of that," Mexico said. I glance back at the group I was with.

"What, you think those guys were trouble?" I ask sarcastically. Mexico shakes his head.

"No, no... but some guys are. Texas, I think we started off on the wrong foot here... I'm giving you my number. You don't have to give a shit about any advice I give you... but I'm willing to look after you," Mexico said, holding out a note with his number on it. I grimace, but something in my mind makes me take the note and put it in my pocket.

"And how do I know you aren't just gonna try to coax me into joining your union?" I ask. Mexico chuckled dryly.

"What good does that even do me anymore? I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not as sparkly and grossly rich as your ex sugar-daddy," Mexico said. I wanted to be pissed at that comment, but dammit, I couldn't help but laugh. "Plus, I don't wanna annex you and get shit from Ame 'cause of it. The least I can do is help you from getting annexed again by anyone else," Mexico said. I sigh.

"Yup... well Mex, gotta say, I don't think I'll take ya up on the 'guardian Angel' thing you're offering, but thanks for saying you have my back... I'll see if I get a knife there because of you or not," I say, walking away. Mexico let's me, and I hear him say something snide in Spanish... ugh....

I can't lie, I did miss that son of a bitch.... But I can't help but worry he's just gonna annex me...

But also... what if America tries to annex me? I mean, he already has once...

And as much as I hate to admit it, Mex is right. A new country is basically begging to be taken over... especially since I'm right next to America....

So if someone has me under their thumb, who knows what they'll do....

I think I need to get some sleep....

I walk back to the UN meeting hall and get my motorcycle. I kinda miss the ole' pickup, but Tennessee has that back home...

Well, back at my old home, I should say....

A wave of loneliness washes over me. I really didn't wanna miss the states on only day 1, but god... I threw away a lot more than just some statehood.... I park my motorcycle in my private parking garage and go to my apartment. It's a decent size, with relatively sound-proof walls, ceilings and floors... and it's all mine... just mine...

God, it's quiet...

Suddenly, I get a text

California: Texas?

God, I really, really shouldn't answer... especially since I ignored everyone else's texts...

Texas: hey...

California: you stirred up quite the shitstorm

Texas: ugh, don't even tell me....

California: DW, I've been ignoring the other states. I just keep getting texts from Ari saying how everyone is arguing over wether or not we should declare war on you LOL

Texas: lovely, what do you say to that?

California: why bother? It'll only stir up more drama... but the Northern-eastern states won't stop ranting about how this is 'so like the civil war' and the south is just kinda pissed at everyone, and each other... I'm just staying home until they all get over it :p

Texas: I hope others don't secede... god, it's like they can't accept I'm so fucking tired of them... I just can't fucking take it anymore....

Suddenly, I start crying

Texas: I need to go

California: so soon? Ok... I miss you. Like, politics and shit aside, I miss you. Maybe if I sneak out I can visit?

Texas: that sounds nice... Goodnight cal

California: Goodnight <3

I throw my phone aside and hold tightly onto myself. I can't stop crying.

"Why can't I just feel ok....,"

Independence, at the Cost of the Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now