Grocery shopping! (main6)

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I would sell my bones for domestic intimacy like this, soo

• you write to-buy lists together, well aware that what you happen to purchase today is absolutely up to fate itself
• he knows you're uncomfortable in crowded spaces and holds your hand/keeps you in sight/casts simple energy shields over you
• you love the quiet little cluttered stores where there's little light and the air is cool and stuff like dried herbs, windcatchers or scarfs(?) is hanging from the ceiling
• you stop to look at tumbled crystals or colorful scented candles and zone out completely
• he calls you but you don't reply, he comes closer and the crystals are so pretty and he zones out too
• (witches do that, i swear)
• its so peaceful in these tiny shops, you just stay there together and this is the definition of serenity
• you will also buy lots of wax for candles, lots of herbs and TONS of jars even though you don't need that many. because shiny glassy little jars, can you resist?
• so at the end of the day, you come home with some mismatched groceries that are difficult to combine into an edible meal, and lots of witchy stuff
• but hey, you've got more than enough herbal tea blends, and as long as the baker at the market sells pumpkin bread, it all will be well

• she doesn't go shopping very often, usually portia or someone else shops for her
• "like something, mc? tell me and it shall be yours"
• it's almost uncomfortable because you just look at something for more than 5 seconds and she offers to buy it
• she thinks you're too shy to ask?
• and grocery shopping with you feels like a leisure activity, not an errand, so she would love to treat you to something special
• but if you make to-buy lists and actually follow them and shop responsibly.. she'll be impressed and say that you're very mature
• even if it's part of the market culture, she'll never bargain and won't let you do it either
• will even pay a bit more because the sellers work hard and she respects their efforts and time
• in the future, she will consider ways to improve working conditions at the market
• you've bought all you needed, all products highest possible quality ;) who would risk to sell you something bad when the countess herself keeps you company?

Julian ❤️
• dear man, this is gonna be an adventure
• everybody at the market knows him, everybody calls out his name and asks what he needs to buy, and you thought you were familiar with the locals
• also everybody asks about his friends and family and work and mood and life in general, and how he's not dead
• older sellers act like they're his grandparents, commenting on how he's so skinny and needs to eat more. and you, too! you are now their adopted grandchild and you inevitably are given more food than you payed for
• with other sellers, he would bargain just because its a form of art that some snobbish people will never understand. he doesn't even care about the price that much, it is art
• if you need some rare herbs/materials for witchcraft, he will find it or he will find people who will find it
• with him by your side, you really get attuned to the market's chaotic, fast-paced flow of energy
• and if you get overwhelmed, he'll guide you out of this chaos immediately

• it's not the best idea to drag him with you to the market just to do shopping together
• like technically you can persuade him, because you're his friend. but do you really want to cross his boundaries like this?
• remember kids, lack of respect is not fun
• but! you can go foraging together...
• he knows where to pick herbs, mushrooms and berries, and you can sense slightest magic that certain plants emit
• as long as you aren't greedy and take only as much as you really need, you're welcome in the forest
• the herbs you pick yourself, with your own bare hands, covered in dewdrops and mud.. their energy is so clear and vibrant. store-bought dried herbs are nothing compared to them
• he also picks up any little rocks or feathers that catch his attention, for spells and protective charms
• never underestimate a good rock you find outside
• back home, you two are sitting by the hearth and knitting together
• yes he knits! and he can weave and sew. the scarves and blankets he gifts you are the warmest you've ever had. protection is embeded into the fabric
• looking at this simple, cozy life of his, you start thinking about moving in with him
• he won't mind

• you're helping her run errands and it's the sweetest thing tbh
• she has a list of things to buy for the palace, and the scroll of paper is so long it touches the ground when she holds it
• many points of that list remain the same for years, so she just follows her usual route around the market
• if she sees some cool bright shiny thing, perharps a souvenir from faraway lands, she absolutely will pick it up to show you, even if its fragile and expensive
• holds cherries in front of her eyes like she has red eyes, or holds bananas up to her head like she has horns!!
• food puns food puns food puns-
• "hey, these strawberries are berry ripe!" or "this swordfish looks sword of tired, don't you think?"
• carries huge and heavy baskets with products like it's nothing
• if you take her to a magic shop, she will go quiet and ask lots of questions in a lowered voice and poke at stuff
• you just run around the market having fun and don't notice buying everything you needed, really you just have good time together

• he forgets what you need to buy
• it's either "we don't need (an important item)" or "we absolutely need (some unnecessary thing)"
• you'll have to make a list if you go shopping with him
• spends unreasonable amount of money on dog treats
• would buy you sweets and presents you never needed and never asked for
• please, his impulse control is similar to that of a 5 year old child, you can't expect him to behave responsibly. it's just how his brain works
• he tries on every hat/headwear he sees and let me tell you, he actually looks okay, if not perfect
• don't let this living manifestation of chaos into any magic shop
• because he absolutely will spill some dangerous potion or drop and break a crystal ball and then grab a random wand and try to "magic it all away"
• shopping with him is quite exhausting
• though i can't say it wouldn't be fun.

tysm i'll write the courtiers next) no way i'm leaving them out

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