Bruno shot me a confused but sincere smile and followed her out. The door shut behind them with a soft click, and I stared at it for a solid two seconds, wondering what had just happened.

I walked to the battered, chocolate brown couch opposite the TV, and I plopped down on it. I grabbed the remote, but before I could turn the TV on, I caught sight of a flicker of shadow out of the corner of my eye.

I stiffened. My mind now completely alert, I slipped my hand into my jacket pocket and gripped my taser.

You're fine, Beth. It was just a shadow. But what if it wasn't? What if Loki had escaped and come back for me, or some other hostile force was here to harm me?

I walked to the door, casting guarded looks behind me as I did so. I followed my gut to the entrance to my bedroom, one shoulder out in front of me and a defensive scowl ready on my face.

I entered the room and shut the door behind me, revealing a man standing behind it.

In the split second before I jumped into action, I filed away several observations. First, the man wore a long, black trench coat that dropped to his ankles. Second, he was black, bald and had a rather serious, tight-lipped expression. Oh, and he wore an eye patch.

I sucked in a sharp breath and stuck my hand into my pocket. The second my fingers wrapped around the handle, I pulled it out and pressed the trigger. The two probes shut out of the end, hair-thin wires trailing behind them. They landed on the man's coat, but it must have been nonconductive, because he didn't collapse.

"Nice reflexes," the bald man said.

I stepped back and away from him. "Yeah, thanks," I said breathlessly. "Now who are you, and what are you doing in my house?"

I held the taser up threateningly, this time aimed at his face. Without smiling, the man sat down on my couch and crossed his legs.

"I'm Director Fury of SHIELD. I'm here on a recommendation from Tony Stark."

I furrowed my brows. "Alloy Man?"

Director Fury huffed a short sound that might have been a laugh. "Sure. He told me you have a knack for mechanics. That true?"

I nodded. Some of my tension began to melt away, but I wasn't stupid enough to let down my guard yet.

"Yep. I'm a mechanical engineering major at Cornell, but I'm pretty sure the real reason he talked to you about me is because I was kidnapped by Loki." I folded by arms. I wasn't about to take any of his shit.

"Also true," said Director Fury with a tilt of his head.

"Okay," I said flatly.

"Why do you think I'm here?" Director Fury asked.

"Ummm..." I thought for a long moment. "Stark said something about giving me a call. Probably not for his merry band of superheroes, so maybe he wants me to help iron out some of the kinks in his suit? Hah, iron out. Get it?"

Director Fury just looked at me. I felt like he was boring a hole through me with his death stare.

I sighed. "Okay... so why am I here?"

"You're here because Stark won't stop bugging me until I bring you to see him. He thinks you can be useful. I on the other hand think that one sarcastic ball of angst is enough, but maybe he wants some company."

I laughed. Fury didn't.

"O...kay... well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline your very generous offer," I said warily.

I Kneel to No OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz