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You put on your last piece of tribal uniform, made sure every part of your clothes was intact, and pretty. You looked in the mirror one more time before taking off with a cigarette outside, while you waited for Quackity.

It was a cold morning for end of summer. But it was a great break from the hot weather.

If you were perfectly honest, you were extremely nervous for this whole execution. This was the first ever one you saw or did, your stomach was doing interesting movements in your body, twisting into a small ball, and tying into a tight knot.

You lit your cigarette and sat down in the grass trying to get a chance of relaxation before you kill someone in public and in front of two fairly important people.

You didn't have stage fright or anything, but you were scared of doing this even if killing was one of you best professions.

You looked down the street to see a familiar figure walk towards you, Technoblade, in his own cultural colours and clothes limping to you.

You never noticed but he had a slight limp when he arrived. Although it could be just a pulled muscle.

You tried not to look at his face, that was now not covered by the hog skull. He got to you and slowly sat down next to you in the grass.

You hit the cigarette so that the smoked away part fell into the grass under you.

"I am sorry I might have came out as intimidating yesterday." Techno said in a softer tone. "I have no bad intentions for you, neither for Quackity. I am just here to celebrate and have fun."

"I wasn't Intimidated." You said lying quite obviously.

"You didn't even want to look into my eyes. I am a Lord, I am used to people making eye contact with me." Techno said.

"Well I'm just not good at holding eye contact." You said putting out your cigarette.

"I know we have a dumb past, as I said many... Regrettable things to you specifically. And I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot." Techno said looking at you.

"I mean we've all said stupid shit before. I'm not offended." You said.

"If I'd be honest, I should be the one Intimidated by you." He said.


"Didn't you kill eighty people in a day?"

"That was a social experiment." You said. Techno laughed and looked at you smiling away on your slight joke.

"But that isn't why I'm here necessarily." Techno said. "Drista wanted me to tell you that the execution is starting and your tribe has arrived. She wanted to send Vivienne but she was too busy helping my father dress." He said.

Your stomach dropped. "The festival is starting now?" You asked nervously.

"Yes, in about twenty-ish minutes." Technoblade said. Your heart jumped into your throat, you didn't want to seem as overreacting but you were ten percent sure you were having a small heart attack.

"Alright. Uh- Thank you." You said standing up from the grass.

"Not a problem." Technoblade said also standing up. "I'll see you at the execution." He said.

"Yeah... Hey Techno... The beard fits you." You said in a last attempt to calm yourself down. Even if you did think the beard was quite fitting on him.

Not the point.

You were terrified of what'll happen in about twenty minutes. You didn't want to seem like you didn't want to do it, but after all that happened, deep down you really just want to get through with it.

If it's going to happen it's going to happen now, no matter what. Quackity walked out of the house, dressed up again in his suit. As he walked up next to you, you grabbed him by the tie and pulled him in to a quick kiss to calm your nerves down.

"Alright. I think I'm ready." You said dusting yourself off.

"You sure?" Alex asked. You just hummed saying yes without actually saying it, and truth is, you weren't ready at all. But whatever is going to happen, has to.

You grabbed Alex's hand and started to walk to town centre.

There were people everywhere, Pillagers building up a huge mountain of a crowd in front of town centre.

As soon as you got to the stage Alex let you go, as he needed to take his place in the crowd. Technoblade walked up behind you and grabbed your shoulder. "You're almost up. Good luck." He said and walked away as fast as he came.

You turned to look around and saw Lord Rhesus smiling at you from afar. It wasn't that hard to spot him, he was quite tall anyways.

The Empress walked up on stage and everyone shut up. You could hear a pin drop around here.

"Welcome all, to the first execution and, or Goodbye festival in forty-four years!" She said, the crowd absolutely went crazy, clapping screaming and cheering on. "The Phantom-Arcane Tribe has reported a betrayal in our community! Which as we all know is forbidden for good." She said. The crowd heavily agreed.

"So today I'd like to let you know who is our executioner." She said and pointed to you. You took a deep breath and walked up on stage with the biggest stomach ache you ever experienced in your lifetime. "Y/N L/N from Oakstone!" Drista added.

Everyone cheered as you walked up. You looked around the large crowd to spot a couple familiar faces. Yelena and Karim looking in disbelief on stage. You didn't get to listen to anything the Empress said after that. Everything was completely silent in your head as you made direct eye contact with Yelena.

She looked fairly soft, rather than what you imagined. You thought she'll be storming up on stage angry, ready to scold you.

She just stood there, arms crossed staring at you with a face if relief and disbelief at the same time.

"...Y/N, now, start the execution darling." Drista said. You blinked a couple times before you got you thoughts recovered.

You walked up to Tina who was standing on the chair, rope around her neck, looking down at you.

"Any last words?" Drista asked turning to Tina.

"Yeah, I always hated you." Tina said sending that clear massage to Drista. You sighed frustrated and put your left leg on the chair.

"Have fun in your limbo Tina." You said and kicked the chair.

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