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The doors of Palace city opened.

There wasn't any talking while you were leaving the village and up to Mellowstone. But your heart was racing, not to mention you had a horrible headache from the healing potions.

You walked up to the palace gate and as soon as that opened you were off the horses.

It wasn't long walking anymore, you just made your way back to the throne room without again, anyone noticing.

"Good evening Ardghal." You said walking in just like a couple days ago.

"How did you- well then. Good evening." He said. You grabbed the head wrapped up in the cloth and walked up closer to the pedestal.

You unwrapped it and threw it up a couple steps to land in front of Ardghal.

He looked at it disgusted and picked it up to make sure it was Quackity. He spun it around a couple times, got a poster, compared them.

It was like a long process of checking him out. He then snapped to his men to bring him a plate, that they did. He put the head on the plate and the guard walked away.

"Are you satisfied? Can we leave?" You asked.

"Yes I am satisfied..." He said. Here comes the but. "But you are not leaving." He said and with that almost a small village worth of guards flood out if the side rooms.

They held your people down including you.

You managed to break out of one of their grips and quickly spun around to kill him.

They were fighting with you.
"This is not what we agreed on Ardghal."
"I don't like deals. And I specifically don't like you. Slaughter them!" He gave the command to his men.

You got jumped by 2 people but fast got yourself out of it.

You killed both and grabbed a firework and threw it on the ground.

These types of fireworks blow up as soon as they touch the ground. It's easy to fight with them. You used one of the poles, to run up on it and jump down on one of them and cut their head in half.

You got two of them but one got your axe and threw it.

You were cornered.

You were looking for a way out of the now 5 people around you.

You couldn't do anything.

They held you down making you watch as they killed some of your people.

One by one.

Most fleed through the windows, only the older ones and Yelena with some other members stayed killing the guard. You spotted one fighting with Jac.

He stabbed Jac with ease. He dropped on the floor.

You tried so hard getting out if their grip but nothing. "Let me go you bastards!" You said trying to get a weak spot to break free.

"I had enough of you." One of them said and let go bringing his spear to your chest.

You could look around his shoulder one more time to see all of your team getting held down, now making them watch you being killed. Ardghal really did use your love for eachother as a opportunity to make all of you suffer.

You saw your life flash before your eyes.

This is it. It's over. All your life worth of work slowly disappearing in one spear.

You felt the cold metal of the spear cut through clothes and skin slowly pushing it's way inside your chest. You didn't feel the pain that came with it because of the shock. You looked at the guard who was now completely pinning you into the wall with his spear. He was smiling strangely, like an evil grin.

It's over. Everything you ever reached has gone down the drain just like that. One millimetre away from death and when that one millimetre collapses your heart it's over, all your friends just watched you die a cruel death in the king's palace after you fucked up and took a damn deal with the man you were supposed to murder.

You didn't plan this to happen..

The guard took a push on the spear one more time and now the point of it was digged into the wall completely piercing you through. The guard straightened himself as he kept smiling. You grasped on to the spear trying to pull it out and catch a breath without success.

Everything went numb. You only felt your hands move trying so hard to get the spiky wood of the weapon out of you. You felt yourself getting slower, there was nothing left in your mind and the pain started to hit you.

You knew a pierce through the chest wouldn't kill you you'd have to bleed out and you knew that would take more than an hour of suffering trying to get out.

You tried to look around, vision still fuzzy from the sudden shock. The king has ordered his men to leave the room with him leaving you and what has left of your and Karims team. They dropped Yelena on the floor, she stood right away running to help you.

"Y/N! Stay with me. Please keep your eyes open we'll get you out." You saw her trying to pry the spear out of the wall. You grabbed her hand that was wrapped around the stick and squeezed it with the amount of power you had left.
"No." You said. "I want you to save yourself."
"We are not leaving without you." She spat back.
"I'm sorry." You said slowly closing your eyes.
"For what? Y/N stay with me." Yelena said struggling to get the spear out of the marble wall. "You don't have to say sorry, keep your eyes open."

"I'm sorry that my decisions lead to this." You said. Yelena didn't say anything. "Now leave please." You said pushing Yelena's fingers away from the stick.

"We aren't leaving."
"That was an order Yelena. Not an option." You said firmly. "Leave me before you get killed."

Yelena stopped. It was silent. You could hear yourself slowly trying to catch a breath from your blood filled lungs. "C'mon guys.." She said with her tone kept really low. "We're leaving." The last thing you heard was people disagreeing and trying to convince her not to.

Then everything went black.

You were dead. It was over. All the struggling was over...

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