Liverpool (Sugar Rush)

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Laura's POV

Hello diary. Today we are on the first stop of The Wanted's word of mouth tour in Liverpool. I have never been so excited at something like this. The Wanted are such amazing boys. I've been lucky enough to visit one of their tour rehearsals and its fantastic. 

Here we are in the echo arena and its looks electric. The set looks sick and I cant wait to see what these boys can pull off. Backstage I get myself in the zone because these are such hyper boys and as I'm the support act with The Vamps I ought to be on high spirits too. We've done the VIP with fans with was lovely it was nice to be able meet some incredible fans and can help get me a fanbase. I love talking to fans and getting them excited for the show later. I've just been in catering and we're about to head for the stage. We open with crowd pleaser Wild Heart. 
"Hello Liverpool!" I shout into the mic. "How excited are you for The Wanted?" The crowd screams to say they're very excited. "I'm so lucky to be part of the opening act on this tour. Its going to be lots of fun. Lots of memories I will make on this tour. Who's ready for another song? This is Oh Cecilia." This song, given the age of the audience has really proved a hit, they are even singing along which I have never seen as this song came out before I was born. Me and Connor are dancing along on stage the jelly beans I had earlier have finally kicked in. I feel as high as a kite now like the audience will be when The Wanted make their appearance. We round off with Can we dance and then head backstage. Rather then going straight onto the bus I stay in the venue. I want to wish (pun intended) the boys all the best for their opening night. I even sit stage side because I want to get a glimpse of what they can pull off this I looking forward to. In fact I have gotten the best seat in the house. For the second act I go sit where nobody would ever guess - centre barrier sat on the step. I sit there for a bit before I head back to the wings my neck is feeling sore. For the third act The Wanted go all boyband with ballad show me love (America). Its beautiful as the crowd get their phone lights out it looks absolutely incredible. I get a photo of the amazing lights straight to Instagram later. The rest of the show is like my primary school days all over again chasing the sun and glad you came takes me right back to when I was in year 6 its very summer 2011. After The Wanted say their goodnights they run backstage. I high five each of them. 
"well done boys that was an incredible opening night. I'm sure we are going to be such good friends." The youngest member Nathan Sykes gives me a hug. 
"you sounded amazing out there with The Vamps. We chose the right girl support act for our Word of Mouth tour. I head back to the bus with the lads they are all hyper. Me, Jay and Nathan head to the upstairs lounge where we talk about the show. I cant stop talking about the amazing things I saw from my angle. 
"I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your opening show. I cant wait for you do it all again in Sheffield? I'm guessing that's where we headed?"
"Yeah that's right." Nathan replies. We'll stay overnight and travel tomorrow morning it isnt that far. Don't worry about them downstairs they're just hyper. 

Sheffield part 1
Hello diary today we are in Sheffield. Last night in Liverpool was unbelievable we are all still as high as kites. The Wanted did a fantastic show yesterday I cant wait to do it all again today. The Vamps boys have left their hotel. I have spent the night on The Wanted's tour bus. Its only breakfast time but I'm guessing that they had their sugar rush from yesterday still in them. Luckily I have some free time before we have to go to soundcheck. I glance up at Jay who is asleep on the sofa. Nathan sits next to me. 
"Morning Laura did you sleep well?" Jay asks. 
"It was amazing. I'm so lucky to tour with such lovely lads like you." I answer. "I would like to get to know guys a bit more."
"That would be amazing do you fancy spending the day with us. Come see our soundcheck later."
"Oh Jay I would love to." I beam.

Brad's POV
We've just left the hotel to head to the arena in Sheffield. Its been a fun opening night in Liverpool. I have this wacky idea during soundcheck. During the Wanted's set there is a raised lift. I really fancy jumping off it for a laugh. I've had my first red bull of the day so fingers crossed that should get me hyped up. We are about to go to soundcheck however Laura is nowhere to  be seen. Luckily she's on the stage but she is hanging out with the Wanted which I'm concerned about. Its not like my girl to not be with us. But I have a great way to get her attention. Its our turn to go to soundcheck. Instead going onto the main stage I head on top of the box. The adrenaline is already high. Nathan is below with Laura. I get onto my knees to try and give a less extreme landing. I launch off the box narrowly missing Nathan but I land on the stage taking Laura with me.
"Woah careful mate." Nathan scolds me. "Whats got into you this morning?"
"I'm just surprising her." I answer.
"You didn't have to do that. You nearly took me out!"
"What wrong with you. Its called having a laugh." I ask.

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