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Chapter 301 It's Good to Realize Your Mistakes

    As soon as Zhao Zhiguo heard this, he immediately became angry: "What are you talking about, stinky boy, no matter how much you have an opinion on me, you can't just say this kind of thing casually. Am I really that bad?"

He couldn't help but refute, if he was really that bad, why would his mother be willing to marry him at that time, have children for him for so many years, and manage the house with hard work.

"You are indeed a lot worse than Uncle, and it's just that my mother was so stupid before that she was willing to marry you. If she were a smart and rational woman, maybe she wouldn't be willing to be so exhausted for the family in silence and no regrets. "After I finished speaking, I felt as if I was not worth it for my mother, and it was a pity for my mother, so I went away when I was in my early forties.

After Zhao Zhiguo heard his words, he lowered his head again, and felt a moment of endless frustration in his heart. It turned out that he was such an image in his son's eyes.

"I...is that bad..." My heart sinks, and my eyes are full of loss. He actually failed like a man, and his son would rather have a father like his eldest brother than him. Various pasts have emerged in the past. In front of him, he was also working for the Zhao family at that time, but in the end, the Zhao family didn't take care of it, the family became like this, and he was complained by Lichen. He has never been so confused in these years.

Li Chen looked at the man next to him who couldn't lower his head any more. Even if he hated him again, he was his father, and neither blood nor identity could change.

"It's good that you can realize your own mistakes, and everyone will live a good life in the future." He couldn't say more words of comfort, he only knew that at this moment he was going back to the city and he didn't want to say too much to confuse him.

Zhao Zhiguo looked up at Lichen.

There was a little bit of comfort in his lost eyes. No matter how much his son complained about him, he still treated him well. For example, he didn't say some more harsh words to him now, just thinking of what he said, everyone will live a good life in the future. , but unfortunately he can't. He will be punished for his past mistakes in the future. He is a little uncomfortable with his chest. It's time to take medicine to control his condition.

Maybe the poisonous Xiaoxiao on his body will be solved, but he is not willing, the longer he lives, the more painful he will feel.

He stood up slowly, "I'm going to rest."

Covering his chest, he didn't want Li Chen to see that his face was ugly.

Li Chen watched him stand up and walked in, and after sitting for a while, he also stood up.

Xiaoxiao also cleaned up and washed, but when he saw Zhao Zhiguo walking into the room just now, he found that his face was very bad, and he vaguely felt that his health was not good.

Seeing Lichen also came in, he asked him: "Lichen, your dad looks very bad."

Lichen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "We talked a little bit, talking about the former Zhao family, my dad realized that he Maybe it's guilt for his past mistakes, don't care about him, just let him rest for a night, we'll take him to the train tomorrow, and let's go to bed early."

Although it's only after 8 o'clock in the evening, but we have to get up early tomorrow, we should go to bed early. It's better, besides, Xiaoxiao has been working very hard these two days, and Lichen doesn't want her to be too tired.

Seeing him say this, Xiaoxiao didn't go to worry about Zhao Zhiguo's bad face anymore.

When the next day was slightly bright, Li Chen stood outside the house and called Lijuan to get up quickly.

He and Xiaoxiao have both prepared the food on the road. This sister used to be the mother's worry, but now it's him and Xiaoxiao who worry about it. I hope this sister will be less troublesome in the future, so that the two of them can be together. Live a peaceful life for a few days.

Zhao Zhiguo had already gotten up, and it could be said that he was the first to get up. Lichen and Xiaoxiao got up in the back. After a few people finished cooking, Lichen couldn't help asking Lijuan to get up.

Lijuan was woken up reluctantly. If Xiaoxiao called her, she could pretend that she didn't hear her, but she didn't dare not to wake up when her brother called her.

She quickly put on her clothes and said, "I'm already up, stop screaming!"

She complained in her heart, her brother really doesn't want her anymore, and I wish she could leave here quickly.

Li Chen heard her reply outside, so he went to eat. If I don't call, I don't know what time this girl will sleep, and I don't care about going back to the city, but those educated youths wait for news every day, hoping that they will be able to go back to the city when there is news.

Xiao Xiao gave Li Chen porridge. They had sweet potato porridge in the morning, and they couldn't afford the dry rice. They took out the food from the house two days ago. Now there are only three days of food left at home, so Li Chen will think about it. Let Lijuan leave here as soon as possible, they all have no food, Lijuan will suffer with them when she stays, and she will definitely regret staying at that time.

Lijuan was washing clothes over there, and Zhao Zhiguo saw Xiaoxiao also sitting over and took out some food stamps and money from his pocket.

"Lichen, don't think too much. Dad is the only one left. I didn't give you anything this time when you got married. It's not convenient to buy things here. I'll just give you all the things around me.

" At that time, I thought that I was just taking Lijuan back, but I didn't know they were already married, so I couldn't blame him for not giving them wedding gifts.

"Dad, no need, you have to support grandma by yourself, and we have money ourselves." Zhao's father has always been in charge of the expenses at home, so Lichen never thought of asking his father for help, even if the family has no money now He will find a way to solve the food himself, and what can cost him money when it is so big.

"Take it." Pushing the money and food stamps to Lichen, "Lixin has a pension from eldest brother, your grandmother has money by her side, so she can't spend much at home. In the future, Lijuan will spend less when she goes to work and at home. After the wedding, I heard that I invited people from the whole village to dinner, and now there must be no money in my hands, you are out of town again, and you look very poor here, so you must have money in your hands."

From these two days It can be seen from the food. The son's family is not doing very well. He eats porridge in the morning and evening. The dry rice cooked at noon also has miscellaneous grains added. To raise children, so he has to set aside some of the money to help them in the future.

Lijuan came over at this time, and when she saw his father taking the money, she said, "Brother, take it, I know that there is not much food at home, although you can get food, but it is rare for Dad to give it to you, so just take it. Well, if you don't want it, I'll take it."

"You still have the face to talk when you wake up from sleep." Li Chen said, but this time I felt that what Lijuan said was for their sake.

"Brother, it's useless to get up early, the boat doesn't leave so early, okay? You said that the sailing time is 7:30 every day, and it hasn't arrived yet at 7:00. Don't worry, I have everything packed. You can just grab your bag and leave later."

After speaking, he started to eat.

The corners of Li Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and there is an excuse for being lazy.

After eating, Li Chen helped them with their luggage, but Ye Quan hurried over at this time.

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