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Chapter 231 I'm not Afraid With You

 "No, there was nothing to do on the island, but my part-time production team leader wanted to spend more time in the fishing village to deal with things, so don't think about it, even if you didn't come, I would often go to the fishing village to deal with it. things."

Comforting, but also pleased that Xiaoxiao thought about her in everything, and secretly swore in her heart that she would treat her well in the future.

Xiao Xiao listened to him and felt relieved. At least it seemed that she came right this time.

Xiao Xiao took the key to open the door of the health station.

The inside was quite clean before, so Xiaoxiao hadn't cleaned it yet. After tomorrow, she'll tidy up everything here. Xiaoxiao took Lichen to the backyard.

"I'll stay here for the time being at night, and after your marriage report is approved, I'll move to your place after we get the certificate."

Li Chen disagreed, "I'm still worried that you live here alone, you come with me Stay." In case someone attacked this side at night, he didn't even know.

Besides, if a girl lives alone in a yard, it will be troublesome to find someone if she needs help.

However, whenever something happened, Xiao Xiao said indifferently: "It's alright, there are people around here, I'm fine with my skills, don't worry."

There are people behind the health station, as long as you shout loudly, there will be people around you. Besides, the people who came here before did not live here alone.

However, Li Chen was still worried and checked around, especially the doors and windows, all the broken ones were repaired, and then he cleaned the house for Xiao Xiao so that she could live comfortably.

Xiaoxiao is not good at doing housework, but just helps Lichen to help out.

Lichen is also glad that Xiaoxiao applied to be a village doctor, so he doesn't have to go to work every day like other educated youths to earn work points.

By the time the house was tidy up, it was already evening.

"Let's go, I'll take you to dinner and show you around here by the way."

He was afraid that Xiaoxiao would not be used to cleaning up the house, so he tidyed it up very cleanly, so he spent more time, and if he wanted to have a good time here, he had to wait until tomorrow.

I met many people along the way. In the evening, people who went out to work lost their jobs and went home. They all greeted Lichen when they saw him. They were all surprised that the people around Xiaoxiao were fair-skinned, young and beautiful. At first glance, they looked like educated youths who had just been put down. They thought Lichen led the new educated youths to which house When people report, it's just that their speech and behavior are a little intimate, not like they just met.

"There is the village chief's house. There are more than 50 households in Yancun, and two production teams. The village next door is larger. Most of the people here are easy to get along with. Of course, there are some people who don't need to worry about it. There are three

mountains on the four sides and the sea on the other. Maybe it's because the sky is high and the emperor is far away. The management here is not strict, that is, those sports have not affected this side, and they are still as free as before. You will know after you have more contact with them. , but there are no restrictions on people to go hunting, that is, some rare animals cannot be hunted, and there is a river there, but few people will go to catch fish. They do not like to eat freshwater fish but prefer to eat seafood. This side is close to the sea, and many people I like catching the sea. Do you know that catching the sea is according to the law of the ebb and flow of the sea, catching the time when the tide ebbs, salvaging the beaches and reefs on the coast, and the process of catching seafood.

I remember when I first came here, I also talked to them I went down once, but you don't want to join in the fun if you like to be clean. You can go to the beach to see what they do when you are free. By the way, if you are catching the sea and you are only nearby, you don't have to turn in the labor you get, unless If the organization goes out to fish, it has to be handed in, so the people here don't look rich, but it's better to live by the sea than some places." As he

walked, he let Xiao Xiao have a general understanding of the situation here. .

"Then you were afraid that I would endure hardship here before, and I'm not afraid of having you here." Looking at him with a smile, under the setting sun, looking at the tall Li Chen beside him, Xiao Xiao actually felt a little unconvinced that the two of them were together.

Li Chen looked at Xiao Xiao like this and wanted to hug him, but unfortunately he was outside.

When I walk to a family, the houses here are all made of stone below, yellow soil mixed with wheat straw on the top, and then the walls are directly cast with plywood. The roof is made of wood as beams, covered with planks, and covered with tiles. The mud embryo house, the house windows and doors are very small.

The family that Li Chen brought Xiaoxiao here is also, the chickens and ducks are screaming in the yard.

The grandson of the host family is playing in the yard.

On the way, Lichen had already told him about the family's situation, which was a little pitiful. When the son was seeking fishing in the sea, he encountered a storm, and the people on the boat were buried in the sea together with a bucket of fishing boats. A year later, his daughter-in-law also ran away, and the old couple also had a five-year-old grandson. Li Chen heard the village chief's introduction and chose this one right away. He also brought more food for a month. Chen wanted to help this family.

Xiaoxiao came over, carrying some things that she had brought from home before. When Lichen wanted to bring her to dinner, she thought that it would be better to bring some gifts when she came here for the first time.

The gifts that Xiao Xiao brought were a piece of cloth cut out, which could probably make two clothes for the child, a box of malted milk essence, two tins of meat, and some cakes.

When he saw the child in the yard, he took out a handful of white rabbit toffee from his pocket and gave it to him. There are no snacks in this era, otherwise Xiaoxiao would like to give him more things.

The child is very happy to see the candy.

"It's time to eat, don't eat too much, just eat one. I'll have to eat later." Gently wiped the dust on his face, and her heart subconsciously softened a lot when she saw the child.

"Thank you sister!" Xiaoshan said happily.

"It's not my sister, I want to be called Auntie!" Li Chen corrected immediately.

Xiaoshan looked at him inexplicably, "Why?"

"The generation is messed up! You call me uncle, she is my fiancee and your future aunt, so you can't call her sister, or she will be less senior than your uncle. What."

After speaking, he scratched the tip of the child's nose. The child was very clever. Although his parents were not there, he was still obedient on weekdays, so it was inevitable that he had more pity for this boy.

And when he saw Xiaoxiao wipe his face just now, Lichen's heart couldn't help softening a lot. In the future, he and Xiaoxiao's children will be treated so lovingly by Xiaoxiao.

A few people were chatting in the yard, Xiaoxiao said to Lichen very colorfully, "I'll go to the kitchen to help the aunt cook."

In other people's house, and in the countryside, she should be more diligent, and besides, the aunt cooks so many people Rice is not easy.

Li Chen nodded, knowing that Xiaoxiao has always been a considerate person. Besides, if she is just helping the aunt, she doesn't have to worry about her poor cooking skills. In the future, when the two get married, as long as he is at home, he will cook and do housework. He swept it all over, making Xiao Xiao as comfortable as possible here.

When it was time to start dinner, the old village chief hurried over with a worried expression on his face.

When Lichen saw him, he asked him strangely, "What's the matter?" At this time, everyone was eating dinner. In rural areas, dinner was eaten early, and some poor people didn't eat dinner.

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