Chapter 282 

 Who knew that Li Chen immediately rejected her idea, "No! You can't stay here, now it's very poor here, and you're almost out of food, you'll dislike this place after two days of staying here, and then I'll be there. Discuss your marriage with Dad, you can go with Qiao Sheng or go back with Dad."

Li Juan is different from Xiao Xiao, he can't stand it if he can't endure hardship and then cry and toss after a few days. Besides, it's really hard here, and the food is almost gone. With Lijuan's coquettishness, she can't endure the hardship, and she definitely doesn't want to stay.

Lijuan retorted dissatisfiedly: "My sister-in-law can stay, why can't I, my housework is better than hers, and the food I cook is better than hers, if you guys keep me, I will take care of the housework in the future. "

Lijuan retorted, she can't stay if Xiaoxiao can endure hardship, she is not a delicate person.

Li Chen looked at the girl with a headache, and Qiao Sheng, who was watching the play, helplessly told her the truth, "Do you know how much food there is in the brigade, it's only enough for everyone to eat for a month at most, after a month everyone We are all waiting to starve. You stay here at this time. Don't tell me it's time to cook for us. You just want to cook and you don't have any food. There was a flood of water here before, and every household was flooded, and the crops were also drowned. , I can only re-plant the seeds. I don't know how many people will not have to eat this autumn and winter. Maybe there will be a lot of beggars. You are willing to live in such a place!"

"But go back, if our father forces me again. What are you going to do when you get married?"

Lijuan was distressed, now that her mother was gone, and her grandmother was not well, so she didn't even have someone to support her, and she didn't want to go back.

"I'll talk to him about this when Dad comes over." Li Chen said with a frown.

"But now that you are married to your sister-in-law, he is still willing to discuss my affairs with you. Brother, I think if I go home, I will always get married, so my dad may want me to marry someone I don't like. People, I don't want my marriage to be painful in the future, I also want to love freely, just like you and your sister-in-law. In any age, I can't interfere in my marriage like this. I also want to find a good man, just like you and your sister-in-law. How nice it is to be in free love together."

She knows what they know and what they are together, so she also hopes that she can meet someone she likes to marry in her life, but she can't marry a man who doesn't like her like her mother married her father, and it will be ruined in her life. .

Li Chen sighed, this is his only sister, no matter if it's not possible, let alone a person's life-long event, he doesn't want his sister's life-long event to be delayed by his father's random arrangements.

"Don't worry, I won't let him mess around. You and Qiao Sheng will stay here for two days and then go back. It's hard to scare you, and I'm afraid I won't be able to support you by then."

"Brother—" she shouted miserably. 

Xiaoxiao added: "If you are in the village, it is normal to not be late for meat for two weeks or a month. When there was a famine a few years ago, some people had to come up with a way to send their children away."

Lijuan frowned after hearing this. , Xiaoxiao's words are not exaggerated, then it is indeed very poor here.

Lijuan didn't dare to say anything after that.

Li Chen entered the room and asked Ye Qiaosheng about the situation in his hometown. Ye Qiaosheng chatted with him, because he left there and the Du family was suppressed again, so now he is very low-key and no longer goes to trouble. Du Er was injured in one eye before by Xiaoxiao, and now I don't dare to see that person for a while.

At noon, Xiao Xiao led everyone back to the small courtyard by the sea. The things that were bought yesterday were delivered to the house and placed in the courtyard.

When Lijuan saw so many things in the yard, her eyes went straight, especially the sewing machine in the yard, which couldn't be bought for more than 100 yuan, and immediately exclaimed: "Brother, you buy it. You dare to call yourself poor with so many things."

Li Chen immediately replied: "That's Xiaoxiao's dowry, and it's because of buying these that your brother has spent all his savings!

" It's good enough for my sister-in-law..." I envy Xiaoxiao, a man like her brother loves her, pity she has nothing now.

"Okay, when you get married, I'll add a dowry to you too!" He saw the sour expression on her face.

"Don't! Don't talk to me about getting married now, I will never get married in my life!" SHe shook his head hurriedly, the word "marrying" is the most difficult word to hear now.

"Okay! Go to sleep after dinner. You can still chatter after coming all the way. It seems that you are in good spirits and don't feel tired."

Lijuan looked at him aggrieved, but did not dare to refute.

Ye Qiaosheng sat in the yard and saw that Xiaoxiao was going to cook, so he hurriedly stopped him, "I'll go and cook, if you cook, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat."

Xiaoxiao immediately scolded: "What is this place! That's not bad, you still want to be picky eaters!"

Li Chen at the back said funnyly: "I'm going to cook, Xiaoxiao will help me, you can rest well, I was thinking of inviting the villagers to have a wedding tomorrow, the chef It's hard to find, now I have a ready-made one, fortunately, take a good rest after eating, and prepare to be a chef tomorrow!"

Qiao Sheng immediately cried: "No, I came all the way, and I have to give it to you. Cooking! Why is my life so hard!"

Paihe, he always cooks more when he is with Lichen, maybe that's why his cooking skills are getting better and better.

"It's rare in life, don't you help me when I get married! It just so happens that your good cooking skills also come in handy."

"Lichen, you're also a fool... But no matter how poor you are, tomorrow's banquet should be It will be more decent, but you want to invite the whole village to dinner, Li Chen, how many people are there in this village?"

I was thinking that Li Chen would bleed a lot when he got married once, and the whole village came to eat, I don't know how much food to eat.

After thinking about it, Li Chen said, "There are more than fifty households, and it is estimated that there are several hundred people." Some people go out, but not the total number.

"Tsk tsk tsk, my dear, once you get married, your savings will probably be wiped out, and how can you get so much food all at once?"

"I won't eat a lot, right? Country people do a banquet, depending on their ability. If you have money, you can do something rich, and if you don't have money, just have a little bit of fun. I think about a table and a few dishes, everyone can sit down and eat and drink, and take advantage of this. I have the opportunity to sit together and have a good gathering. It just happened that you came over and represented the family to participate.

I have roughly calculated how much it will cost. We will go shopping for food tomorrow morning, and then ask a few aunts in the village to help you. Tomorrow night, we will have a feast." Li Chen thought about it and said, he had arranged everything and discussed it with the village chief.

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