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"Kuzushi, dear? Can you come here and help me with something?"

A soft voice called out to the little boy who was sitting at the corner to the far left of the room, reading books that he found in the library while he was exploring the abode of the Shogun. Kunikuzushi was his full name, yet the h/c female decided to call him "Kuzushi". According to her, it sounded more "cute and fitting" for him, yet the boy never understood why but he didn't mind it. Perhaps he took a liking to the kind-hearted female a little too quickly. Kuzushi stood up slowly as he set the book aside, walking towards the bedridden lady.

"Do you need anything, Miss Y/N?" He said as his eyes looked directly into the female's.

"Just call me Y/N, sweetheart. No need to be so formal." Y/N said as she smiled softly at the boy.

"What book were you reading, Kuzushi? I saw that you were pretty focused on the book."

Kuzushi's eyes immediately sparkled as he finally found a person that he could talk to about his latest obsession. The sight of this boy lightened up the atmosphere a whole lot, Y/N laughed at his adorable expression. She patted gently on her white bedsheets, motioning Kuzushi to sit down next to her. The boy quickly ran as quickly as he could with his little legs to the bookshelf then went back and sat on the bed with his legs crossed, immediately flipping to a page with an beautiful illustration, pointing at it with visible administration in his eyes.

"Who is this, Miss Y/N?"

Y/N's eyes traced through the illustration that the boy was pointing at, realizing that it was an illustration of her lover gracefully floating in the air with her electro blade in her hands, getting in position into a battle stance. Y/N smiled at the drawing, Ei really does look like that when she fights. She never really saw her beloved in action, but she used to take little peaks at Ei doing her training through the creaks of the sliding doors of the dojo, that was before her illness worsened. It was certainly one of the most amazing things that she has seen with her own eyes. Purple electro sparks radiated and flowed throughout her wielded katana, glowing brightly as each slash created an amazing trail of glowing neon purple. It never seems to not bore her whenever she watches Ei training.

"That, my dear, is the All mighty Raiden Shogun, also known as your other mother."

Y/N said with softvoice, then she saw Kuzushi's expression changed to a confused one.

"My other mother?... Do I have another mother, Miss Y/N?"

The child asked with visible confusion layered on this face, his big indigo eyes looking back up at Y/N, patiently waiting for an answer from the lady. Y/N melted at the sight of the little boy and slightly pulled him closer to her body gently.

"Maybe you can ask Ei when she finishes with the paperwork..."

Y/N replied. Kuzushi's excited expression quickly faded as he didn't get an answer to his question. As Y/N saw the boy's visible dissatisfaction from not receiving an answer she suggested that she brings him to go find Ei right now, as she also wants to know if she was doing alright, hoping that she wasn't overworking herself again. The boy quickly nodded his head and got himself off the bed quickly. Y/N laughed at the boys antics, are all children these days this bipolar?

Y/N got herself off her bed slowly, standing up before gently holding Kuzushi's small hand, leading him to where she believes Ei is at this moment. They left the room together, hands linked together as they walked through the hallways.

The hallways were suprisingly empty, no servants nor maids to be seen. The sound of crickets chirping were heard from outside, warm sunlight slightly seeping through the small windows at the top of the walls. The silence was comfortable for the both of them as they slowly made themselves to the room the Shogun was currently in. As they finally arrived to the door of the room, Y/N gently knocked on the door, waiting for permission to go into the room.

"Come in."

The cold and strict tone of Ei's was heard through the door as Y/N opened the door.
Realizing that it was Y/N who came in, Ei quickly stood up from her seat and walked up to her. Kunikuzushi was hiding behind Y/N as he was still slightly intimated by the presence of the Raiden Shogun even though he has been residing in the Shogun's abode for about 2 months now. Kuzushi peeked his head behind Y/N, slowly revealing himself to Ei, which slightly startled her.

"Oh, Kunikuzushi, I didn't realize you were here. Do you need anything?"

Ei asked as she looked at the nervous boy, waiting for the request. As humorous as it seems, Ei was just not really great with children, she was scared to scare them if she was using too serious, so she softened her tone in attempt to not scare off the boy. Y/N looked at her lover fidgeting with her fingers behind her back as she quietly giggled at the sight of the both of them just staring back at each other. Deciding to help them break the ice, Y/N slipped into their 'conversation'.

"Kuzushi here has a question for you, love."

Y/N said as she looked at Ei, making her turn her head away from the boy.

"Go on dear, no need to be shy with your mother now... Just ask her the question you asked me."

Y/N whispered into the boy's ear as she kneels next to the boy who was now staring at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact from Ei.

"U-um... I just wanted to ask who my other mother was... Miss Y/N said that you would know the answer to my question..."

Kunikuzushi said as his voice started to trail off as his sentence went on. Ei stood there, trying to process the question of the little boy who stood in front of her.

"Your o-other mother?.."

She said as she stammered, looking at Y/N, only to realize that her lover had already snuck out of the room as her head went blank. Has she been visiting Miko more lately? She's picking up her sly antics...

On the other hand, Y/N was giggling like a little girl as she made her way back to her room, thinking of Ei's reaction as she was trying to think of an excuse up in her head.

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well it certainly has been a while since i have updated this book... i apologize for the wait for this chapter, took my lazy ass long enough

my mental health really hasn't been great lately so i took sometime off wattpad for a while, hopefully i will have a better upload schedule in the future!

thank you for all your support on this book even though it's not that great <3 every notification really encourages and motivates me to write the chapters <333

see you (or not) in the next chapter which is gonna take me another few years to make...

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