The Beginning

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Britney's POV

We finally make it home and I've managed to stop crying for the most part.

"Come on Brit get out of the car." Matt said opening my door and motioning for me to get out. I slide out and start walking inside. I go straight to my room and close the door; I slip my shoes off and just lay on my bed and cry. At this point I didn't know what to do.

"Brit? Can I come in?" Matt asked ever so softly with my door cracked open.

"Ye...yeah." I said while sitting up. Matt had something in his hand and at first, I couldn't tell what it was until he sat down, and my eyes lit up.

"I know it's been a rough night, so I figured you needed something to cheer you up, so I brought this." Matt handed me one of his hoodies and some strawberry ice cream.

"After so long you remember what cheers me up." I said in between sniffles.

October 4, 2016

This day was very hard and life changing for me; It's the day I lost someone very close to me and the only one there for me at the time was Matt cause Chloe and I had been fighting. I remember it like it was yesterday.


{Phone ringing}

"Hey mom its grandma Cindy she sounds upset and wants to talk to you." I said handing the phone to my mom. Matt and his family were over for dinner that day so I went to help finish setting up but them my mom said 3 words that forever changed my life.

"Jake is dead." My mom said looking at my dad with tears streaming down her face.

"What?" I said as I hit the floor. I began crying uncontrollably so bad to where I was hyperventilating and making myself sick. Matt ran to my side within seconds comforting me while my dad was comforting my mom. Later that night I was once again sitting in my room on my bed crying and of course Matt brought me his hoodie and strawberry ice cream.


"Brit are you okay?" Matt asked while snapping his fingers at me.

"Yeah I'm okay was just reliving a memory." I said smiling and looking up at him.

"The memory with us when you were 16 and lost your uncle huh?" Matt asked looking down at the ground.

"Yeah that would be the one." I then got up and grabbed some sleep pants and went into the bathroom to change. I slid my dress off, washed my face, brushed my hair, threw it up in a messy bun, and then put my pants and Matts hoodie on and walked back out into my room.

Matt was sitting there on his phone watching tiktok videos, I sat back down and ate some ice cream when Matt finally spoke.

"Hey I'm gonna head to sleep, are you gonna be okay by yourself?" Matt asked and I nodded yes. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable sleeping in my room on the floor or in the bed it would just be weird. Matt gave me a hug and walked out closing my door behind him. All I can think about is telling everyone how things went down and I hope I'm going in the right direction on how to deal with it. I just hope Kyle, Lexi, and Chloe don't blow up.

~Next Morning~
Britney's POV
I woke up to my phone going off non stop, I roll over and look at it. 25 messages and 4 missed calls from Chloe, Kyle, and Lexi, fuck.

Chloe: Wtf happened dude you and Matt need to fill me in now.

Kyle:Why'd he come home so pissed off and upset what the hell happened?

Lexi: Girl what did he do?  

That's what the messages consisted of, I need to tell them but I just woke up so they can wait. I locked my phone and shoved it under my pillow and proceeded to try and go back to sleep when I heard an soft knock on my door. My guess was it was Matt or my mom but to my surprise it was Chloe.

"You seriously weren't gonna respond?" She asked walking in my room and sitting down.

"Leave me alone I just woke up." I said putting a pillow over my head.

"I know but you don't have to tell me anything Matt filled me in the only people you have to tell is Kyle and Lexi, and you know Kyle isn't gonna be happy." She said walking over to me.I just groaned and gave her a thumbs up.

"I love you Bri but I'm gonna go, also I see Matt remembered what cheers you up." She said pulling the pillow off my head. I gave her a go to hell look and shook my head yes. She smiled and said

"You know one day I hope you find someone who treats you like he treats you." She then walked out of my room and Matt walked in. He laid next to me and put his head on my shoulder like he used to when we were kids.

"Matt I have to go live later and let everyone know what's going on, I'm not that famous but a lot of people came from watching his platform to mine." I said sighing and putting the pillow back over my head.

"I know but right now just sleep you can always go live tonight or tomorrow. You heal first." Matt sat up and tapped my hand. I moved the pillow and just looked at him, he gave me a hug told me to get some rest and he'd be back later. I couldn't help but wonder what he was going to do but I soon drifted off to sleep... again.

~3 hours later~

I woke up to slamming doors and screaming, I jumped out of bed and ran straight downstairs. I looked in the kitchen nothing it wasn't until I walked in the living room I saw my mom, dad, and Matt standing in the doorway yelling at someone.

"What's going on?" I asked and they all turned around.

"Nothing go back to your room please." Matt said but I walked right passed him. When I get to the doorway I see the one person I never wanted to see. Josh.

"I don't want you here I want you out of my life. I never want to see you again. You broke a promise and I will never be able to forgive you." I said to him he dropped his head and went to speak.

"I told you to go away I don't want to hear your sorry excuses. GOODBYE." He started to walk up to me.

"If you come one step closer I will have the cops called and you escorted off the property." He just looked at me with anger in his eyes. He then turned around and walked away. My mom closed the door and I fell to the ground. I never knew a small fling could hold so much power over me. He made promises, he promised not to hurt me, he promised he wasn't seeing anyone else, he promised not to leave. Matt sat down beside me and just hugged me. Matt's never hugged for more than a few seconds he always said it was awkward, but this; this was a different type of hug.

"Did you see what I left in your room?" Matt asked letting me go. I shook my head no and he nudged me to get up and go look. I slowly got up and walked back upstairs, I opened my door and look around. On my dresser was a teddy bear and red roses with sunflowers mixed in, I then noticed the white rose. Matt only knows my favorite things because of how long we've known each other and I talked about it a lot but I never thought he would remember everything. The red roses and sunflowers are my favorite flowers and they have been since I was little, the white rose has always meant friendship to me and Matt knew that. Every birthday or holiday he always gave me a white rose to signify our friendship. Matt walked in my room and closed the door and I turned around and just started crying. I really need to find someone who will treat me like Matt does. He's never once hurt me, if I didn't like one of his girlfriends simply because she didn't like me he left them, if he was talking to someone and they met me they stopped talking. I never truly understood why either but oh well I guess?

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