Why Are You Here?

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"Why are you here?" I asked Matt as he let me out of his grasp.

"You have so many questions today. I'm here because I got home from college early and your mom wanted me to surprise you." Matt said.

Matt and I have been best friends since the womb we were born 3 days apart. Our moms were best friends, Matt's mom died when he was little so my mom took him under her wing and we are practically siblings. Matt went off to some fancy college in LA while I decided to stay home. He wasn't supposed to be back for another 6 months I can't help but wonder what happened.

"So you're the reason for the fancy dinner?" I asked looking at my parents.

"Yes I do believe I am." Matt said with a smirk.

"Lets get this show on the road kids if we don't make our reservation we'll have to find somewhere else." My dad said motioning for us to walk outside.

Matt's POV

She was stunning, even more beautiful than before. Her long brown hair, her hazel but mostly green eyes, the way her white dress complimented her tan skin. She's amazing.

"Matt are you okay?" Britney asked me.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well you keep staring at me and drooling so..." I just smiled. I've always liked her but never had the guts to ask. I know she has a boyfriend but Josh has always been bad news. I have a choice to make. I can either let her stay with him, hope that he treats her well, and be a supportive best friend; or I can make them break up and then I can try and make her happy. I'm gonna stick with option one, but the moment he hurts her I'm hurting him no questions asked. Her dad won't even get the chance to lay a hand on him if he hurts her in any way.

Britney's POV

We finally got to the restaurant and as we were being seated I got a message from Josh saying he was going out with Kyle and Lexi so if he didn't answer that was why.

"Dad this place is so expensive, why did you choose here?" I asked.

Him and my mom just looked at me and smiled.

"Well hunny we know your birthday is coming up in a couple of days so we wanted to do something special. The first thing we did was surprise you with Matt and before you even ask everything he told you before is true." My mom said sipping her wine.

"The second thing we wanted to do was a fancy dinner before your big gift." My dad said. I just looked at them thinking about what the last thing could be when I notice someone who looks familiar being seated a couple of tables down from us. I let it be and keep listening to my parents.

"You will get your last gift on your birthday." My mom finishes saying as our food arrives. I then notice a girl go and sit with the guy that looks so familiar.

"I am going to the restroom I will be right back." I tell everyone.

I get up and walk to the restroom, I can't see who the person is yet because I have to walk past them to the bathroom. All I know is that the guy and girl are being very flirty towards each other, it makes me miss Josh. I walk in and stand there for a few minuets and then walk out. I look up from my phone to the guy and the girl kissing, but I stop dead in my tracks when I figure out who it is.

"Josh?" Is all I could say before I started balling my eyes out and running outside. Matt followed me outside, my parents didn't see what had happened.

"Britney what's wrong? What happened?" Matt asked standing in front of me.

"Josh... he's inside... with another girl... I saw them kissing." I said while crying.

"I'll fucking kill him." Matt said walking back inside.

No words came out of my mouth after that. Matt went inside and that's all I remember.

-------So I'm turning this into a Matthew Espinosa fanfic. I have no interest in Josh Allen anymore.------

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