My Hero Academia X Male Reader Concept #1

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Y/N was always seen as a potential villain by others due to his unstoppable quirk. When he and his uncle move to Japan to start a new life, Y/N will begins his start as a hero at UA. Unknowingly, Y/N gets thrown into many situations with villainous threats along with his classmates. Will his quirk be enough to save them.


Hero Name: Ghost Protocol

Codename: Zero

-Name given because Y/N has potential of taking the spot above the #1 Hero


Hero Type: Offense and Support Hero

Quirk(s): Howling Ghost & Time Stop

Occupation: Hero


Power:5/5 (A)

Speed:3/5 (C)

Technique:4/5 (B)

Intelligence:5/5 (A)

Cooperativeness:5/5 (A)

Overall Grade: 4/5(B)


Y/N grew up in Mississippi with his uncle. 90% of the population in his state are quirkless and there are very little hero's. Those who have a quirk, quickly turned into villains and spread chaos in the state. Without heroes, there was a high percentage of crime. Without any heroes, there were no schools for potential heroes. When ever there is a threat, Heros from other states would handle the situation. There exist vigilantes, but they were quickly apprehended by law enforcement. Despite the very little help, Mississippi lost all hope in heroes resulting in hatred to them. Y/N's mother died during childbirth and his father disappeared after Y/N's birth. Y/N's uncle is the only family he has resulting in becoming a father figure. Y/N always wanted to become a hero and couldn't wait to get his quirk. While he idolized hero's like All Might and Star and Stripe, his all time favorite hero was the #? Japanese hero; Jikan. At the age of 5 he had a dog that Y/N loved but unfortunately died days after adopting it. Just a week after the dog's death, Y/N developed his quirk. When discovering his quirk he realized the hollowing ghost resembled his lost dog. Y/N has thrilled about his quirk while others thought differently. His peers feared and hated him and his quirk and had no hope of him of being a hero. They would even call him a potential villain. Y/N wasn't going to their hatred get to him and made it his goal to become an American Pro Hero and bring hope to Mississippi with his quirk.

Quirk Singularity from Y/N' Past

When Y/N was born, his quirk started to manifest and slowly evolved early in his body. This resulted in the death of Y/N's mother after she gave birth. The quirk was not exposed when Y/N turned 4 but it slowly grew in his body without showing any side affects. The quirk during its development started off as a spiritual larva egg; slowly growing until it was completely formed at the average age where children get their quirks. Y/N's father had a quirk similar to Y/N's but it was weaker than Y/N's due to it being a perfectly mixed with Y/N's mothers' quirk. Y/N's mother had a typical laser quirk that allowed her to fire lasers from her body. Y/N's Fathers' quirk has a mix of soul quirk and multiple that can allow him to create infinite amounts of a spirit that was manifested to him by birth. The spirit took the form a human skull that can follows the user's orders. With the three quirks combined, it created Hollowing Ghost. The idea of the quirk(s) taking the form of a dog is from Y/N's childhood dog. The death of Y/N's mother resulted in his father blaming his son and abandoning him.


-Prove that his quirk can save lives

-Stand out from everyone and not to be looked as a villain

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