Chapter Eleven

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Xoris was thrown out of a dreamless sleep instantly by the harsh pounding coming from his door. He immediately reached for his sword. A mob? Am I being attacked? His eyes flit across the room, looking for an escape.

"I'm leaving in a half a turn. Be ready by then."

A defeated sigh pushed its way out of Xoris, his body deflating a bit. Even working together, Rajul was going to act as though this was his keep, which meant early mornings and lots of shouting. He put his sword down. "Fine. Just give me a moment."

It didn't take him long to put himself together, but a part of him almost felt as though he were even more tired now than he had the three restless days before. He was dragging through his movements, as if the long, countless turns spent awake had finally caught up to him at the worst of times. Even the few bites of soup Rajul forced him to eat didn't offer up much energy before the man stood up, clipping his black cloak around his neck as he prepared to leave.

Xoris did wake up slightly though as he followed him away from the tavern, and up to a shop surrounded by a large fence only a bit further up the road. A howl rose up from the place, and he took in a deep breath in awe.

"Wait, are we going to get a Welk?" He could barely contain his excitement.

"Of course? We're not walking that far. It would take well over a tally, and there wouldn't be much to save by then." He shook his head as if the very notion itself was impossible. "I am going to make you pay for it though. You're being paid more today alone than I am over the course of an entire Crack."

Xoris nodded. It was only fair, and it wasn't as though he had any better use for his chips. Besides, he thought as his face lit up at the sight of fur in the distance. I'd argue this is a great use of them. With that, he was opening up the wooden gate to the corral, standing and waiting for one of the large Beasts to come bounding up to him.

It only took a moment before the scampering of large paws kicking up the dirt became a steady beat, and a slobbery, wet sensation ran up Xoris' exposed neck and face."Lykos! Down boy! I am so, sorry," came a woman's voice as Xoris was quickly pushed to the ground, rattling a bit in his metal suit. He could see her tugging a set of reins attached to the Beast's curled horns.

Xoris laughed. "That's all right. I set myself up for it." He pushed himself up from the ground, taking off his gloves to run his hands through the Beast's thick fur while its enormous tail flicked back and forth happily. The grey fluff was incredibly silky and smooth, and he could tell right away that they were well taken-care of.

"Xoris! While I'm sure you're thrilled to make friends with another Beast, we're here to buy them, and leave," Rajul called out to him, only just starting to make his way inside the fence. Xoris sighed, withdrawing his hand with a small pat. While the harsh reminder wasn't pleasant, he was right. They did have a mission to focus on.

"Oh, you're planning on buying upfront?" The woman adjusted her hold on the reins so that both were held by one hand. "Are you getting them as pets, or for travelling?" Her green eyes flicked over to Rajul for a moment, the colour a nice contrast to the array of hazel freckles on her face.

"Travelling. We'll also be needing a caravan that will last us a trip to the sea and back," Rajul answered, inspecting the Welks around them, including the one the rancher had referred to as Lykos. They were huge, just slightly taller than Xoris, and Rajul looked practically tiny standing next to them in comparison.

"Hmm." The woman thought for a moment before answering. "I think I can get that, and it would be a two Welk set-up, if that sounds all right with you?"

Xoris looked at her, then at Rajul who was nodding solemnly. "We're going to get two?" His mind started to trail towards possible names as he looked around.

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