Chapter Twelve

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Warning: This chapter contains gore. I also included art at the chapter end. If that is something that bothers you, I recommend skipping, or reading until the bolded line if you would not like to see the image. Separate from that is a reference to sexual assault, so be warned. Other than that, tread carefully and enjoy.

Xoris had heard countless tales of the slaughter raids before. Of villages burned as random, unorganised Beasts fought side by side to lay waste to them in instants, of Humans eaten, or worse. It was a horrible, messy thing, and yet, as he stood before the sight of screams and ash, he found it had to empathise with the horrific actions. He rubbed his bare hands across his face, his gloves left behind in the cart. It was simply because he was tired. He knew that he cared, deep down. That he didn't want anyone to be hurt. He was simply desensitised because of the lack of sleep, that was all.

As a wild Pruul dashed in front of him, its tall, skinny legs raking along the ground as it screeched in a pitch that could barely be heard, he saw Rajul take hold of his sword. "Dekhr, feathery things," he swore, pulling himself out of the caravan. "Are you ready?"

Xoris swallowed hard as the Pruul screeched again, twitching its long, scaly tail before a vomit like liquid fire sprayed from its throat, coating a thatched house in flames. He widened his eyes to force the lethargic feeling to dissipate before grabbing the sword at his side. "As much as I ever will be, I suppose."

With a nod to each other, they burst forward, Xoris having to wince and duck as cinders flew and smoke tingled along his exposed arms. He could already feel a rapid, burning twitch coming from his neck as tears of irritation dripped like sweat into his undershirt. His legs brought him to a stop as he choked on the powdery air. It was only for a drip, but that halt was all the time the Pruul needed to lift its leg, the sharped talon hooking right through his belt into his side. A gasp of pain wracked at his lungs as he looked up at the Beast standing much taller before him. In an instant, he was reaching with his arm to slash the Beast's leg, drawing a thick line of red as it cut through the scales. It cawed as it drew back, but not before its long neck began to throb.

"Look out!" He heard Rajul shout before the Pruul opened its beak to release another molten wave. Xoris' nerves jolted as he ducked to roll backwards. A sizzling noise hit his ears, and he seized up for a moment at the sound. It took him a moment to realise the edge of his cloak was on fire, and a few drops were trying to eat their way through his armour like holes. They went out soon enough, but something about the tainted, black edge of what had once been a pristine article of clothing bothered him.

He stood up, wishing he was at a height where he could reach the Pruul's eyes, but they were much too tall. An image flashed through his thoughts for a moment, of when he had first used his power, and how his feet had left the ground for an instant. He went to discard the thought, the familiar fear of fighting with gravity unnerving him. And yet... The Pruul reared back, flapping its wings to throw him off balance. He doubted he could take it down with his sword alone. Rajul had already plunged his blade deep into the chest of another, nearly identical one behind him, and yet, now matter how much Xoris wanted to do the same, it wasn't his style.

With a step back, he focused more on the eyes that looked to the sides, surveying the area. As the one attacking Rajul fell to a bloody heap on the ground, he noticed that that left five more. A glance out of his right arm told him there was a stone prayer building not too far. He hated the idea forming slowly in his mind, but without a better one, he took off towards the building.

Xoris knew the Pruul were following, and he knew they were faster than his scrawny, human-sized legs, but at least with a head start, he could pray that he'd reach the cracked walls of the building before they reached him. A snap sounded at his ankles, and he tripped as a beak caught around his shoe, but he quickly tugged out of the Beast's grasp, making the final stretch to the church.

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