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dearest jade,


so, i am he;
the one who secretly loves you.
and there is no day
that i don't notice
how beautiful you are.
even when you make faces at me
whenever i tease you,
you're still damn beautiful.

i love you.

and to be honest,
i really like it
when you laugh.
and i don't know if you still remember
back in first year
when you were upset
and so down
about your grades that
you didn't eat lunch
and I just had to do the worst thing
which was to say a lame joke
and what surprised me was it cracked you up.
you didn't just smile
or punch me like you always did.
you laughed heartily.
it was genuine.
and I find it special.

i love you.

there are moments;
the best ones,
yet when the world sees it
looks so normal.
when you let me tie or
braid your hair
and it all turns messy,
appreciate it
with a few nods.
you'd laugh even if
i made you look weird,
you still wore it proudly
and then
i would laugh.
cause you made me happy.

i love you.

if people ask me my fear,
suddenly your frowning face
is all in sight.
that time last summer
when i lit a cig
behind the old building
and you caught me.
and how i wasn't able to puff out
the smoke
and choked on it.
it didn't matter.
that day,
you left me with regret
and guilt.
your disappointment and face full
of disbelief
played all night.
then on,
i realized that you were
a stronger addiction,
so i stopped smoking.

i love you.

sometimes i wonder if ever
i tell you this feeling
would you still look at me
or will you still let me touch you
or let me inside your house
to watch movies and hang out
or will you still ride behind my bike
as i tour you around places
you already knew.
and if i say this
and you hearing my words,
would i see your smile?
i'm afraid i might not hear your laughter anymore.

i love you.

but i guess
and what seemed to be
is that your confidence infected me.
and if all i have are
pen and paper
and a bit of courage,
then will you at least let me write
all my heart out?

please give me the honor
to escort you to the prom
and be each other's first dance.

so yeah, can't be denied.

i love you
and still will.

your bestfriend,


I placed my letter on top of her desk.

I hope she could read it.

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