19 - Pampered Indeed

Start from the beginning

I'll admit that I have a few selfish reasons for peering into her mind. Understanding CeCe's dreams is having insight into the future and past in ways that would otherwise not be possible. The power of having a mate with the Sight is something that few males would ever even dream of. I was already the most powerful male on the continent after my father. Now, even he would have a tough time against me in anything other than an alpha Challenge.

The downside to this is what happens to my sweetheart. I'm quickly learning that CeCe struggles when she dreams. Her body temperature drops. She starts to tremble and shake. It wakes me up, that feeling of ice through the bond. Sometimes when she's dreaming she cries, especially when she dreams of death and destruction, or her former luna's threats against her.

Oh, the shitstorm I'm going to deliver to MoonGlist...

I have to be careful. CeCe is an innocent soul. I'm trying to keep my intentions away from her Sight. I figure the best way to do that is to not plan the attack ahead of time. I know that the right opportunity will arise. I just hope it's sooner rather than later.

After she dreams, which thankfully isn't every night, she's foggy-brained and clumsy for hours afterward. It makes me wonder how she functioned in the soon-to-be-dead pack. I mean... yeah, I need to stop thinking about it.

I stand up and kiss her cheek. CeCe stirs, her lashes fluttering. "Shh, beloved. Keep sleeping, my love." She settles, and I make sure the stove is piping hot and her meal is warm before I head downstairs to the dungeon.



"Alpha," the old male croaks. He's warm, despite his dramatic shiver as he clutches the thin blanket around his shoulders. The dungeon of this castle may be cold and damp, but the fire burning in the hearth of his cells has kept the worst of it away. He also has a small bed and a table with a lamp illuminating the otherwise barren space with a nice glow. It's fucking cozy and it's all because of my sweetheart. I won't let CeCe be upset because this old geezer came down with pneumonia.

"You will get up and wash. You need a haircut. Aren..." I step forward and meet his eyes as his fingers tremble on the blanket. You'll be tending my mate after breakfast. Be presentable and look fucking happy."

"Yes, alpha," he whispers, joy making his eyes well up and his lips tremble.

My wolf flashes fang. Our CeCe has the Sight. She has to be protected and this male did not do the job. He loves her and it pisses us off.

"Hurry up," I snap, before striding out. I head deeper into the cells. The floor slopes under my feet and the well-worn stone of the upper dungeon gives way to uneven rubble. I kick a few stones out of the way as I arrive outside of Bard's cell.

"Alpha," he manages to speak through his bloody teeth and a broken jaw.

"You failed to learn a damn thing, Bard," I snarl. I'm not as furious with Bard as I am with Aren, ironically. I have a feeling that my sweetheart's Sight fooled him, too, but her life was never at risk. If anything, CeCe and Sal would have happily lived like a little feral family in their den until the cold drove them out.

"The nanny isn't conspiring, Alpha. I swear I believe this. She's just dumb and too complacent." Bard's head lolls against his arm. He rubs his face against his skin. The dried blood and vomit must be itchy.

I walk up to him and grab his neck with one hand. My dark claws wrap around him, pricking his skin. His brown eyes instantly go alert. In all of my interrogations, I haven't gone for his throat yet. "It's not enough to believe in something, Bard," I hiss in his face. "This is my son. He waltzed out of his secure home without any of my elite's knowledge." With the claws of my other hand, I open the locks on the manacles. Bard's arms, numb from being strung up over his heart for so long, fall limp to his sides. He slowly lowers himself from his toes back down to the balls of his feet. It hurts like a bitch, but he doesn't make a sound, doesn't even flinch. I know, however, that he would fall to the ground if it weren't for my hand on his neck.

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