Chapter 37: I will wait for him

Start from the beginning

Cecilia made a fist in anxiety and worry before looking at the two. "I know it is unbelievable that onee-sama would ask us something like this but...nii-san, sir Edward... Let's follow what onee-sama wanted us to do...!"


She held her hands together and pursed her lips. "Onee-sama rarely asks for help and this is the only time she's asking for it. I want to help her in any way I can, nii-san. Even though her plan sounded insane, I want to help for her sake. I believe in her. Because she is my friend and like a sister to me! I believe her plan will work out!"

Adrien's eyes softened and patted her head. "Of course, Cecilia. I understand what you feel. Lady Elise and I shared our troubles regarding our important person and she is also a trusted friend of mine. Lady Elise had done a lot for us and...I want to repay the kindness she gave us." He then turned around to face his lover with a small smile. "Right, Ed?"

"I agree." He gave one last look to Elise's letter, before making a complicated expression. "I did say before to her. If she ever needs my help, I am willing to lend my services to her. And besides..."

The blond reached out for Adrien's hand and squeezed it gently.

"Her plan to take them out coincides with Rie and I's decision to leave the country."

(flashback end)

Three months.

Three months have passed since the Lord of Crimes and the Great Detective fell from Tower Bridge still under construction into the River Thames.

Three months have passed since Elise woke up.

That day, Moneypenny was the one attending to her side and the older woman was surprised to find a tear falling down her face as soon she opened her eyes. Elise was staring outside by the window until Louis and the others, minus Moran, have arrived late in the afternoon.

Elise had asked them what happened.

No one answered for a while, until Louis answered her hesitantly as he summarized during the days she was unconscious.

"...It's all over now. Nii-san's plan... It was a success, Elise."

She then asked another question. "Where's... William?"

"...He fell to River Thames from the Tower Bridge. With Sherlock Holmes." He answered again with his head down before telling her their discovery just earlier. "Their body.... They were not found."

It was silent for a few seconds until the young woman spoke.

"...I see." She said in a voice that was almost like a whisper. "Thank you, Louis-nii-sama..."

That was all Elise said that day. And they did not push it anymore.

Louis also apologized that he gave her journal to Holmes, but she replied that she didn't mind and it's fine.

Everyone has presumed that both detective and criminal mastermind have died that day. Looking at the height they have fallen from, they believed no one could survive a fall that high. Except to certain people who believed that William in particular, is still alive.

A funeral was held for Sherlock Holmes by his acquaintances and older brother. As for William James Moriarty, other people didn't hold a funeral since neither Louis or Elise asked for it, but Fred and the others just held a small and quiet one in respect to William.

For three months, the Moriarty family and its members functioned as what they normally do everyday. Elise is now fully cured from illness but it doesn't matter to her. Her mind was filled with a lot of things and the thought she is now cured slipped from her mind.

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