Apologies and Updates

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Hey there!! I'm sorry about disappearing for two years (you can read the whole soap opera of an apology with my latest update on Toys) but long story short I've discontinued my main story.

Now, as for this oneshot...I've still got a lot of unfinished business here...

There are so many different AUs and stories I had finished but never got to publish, some I've written half-way and dropped, a lot of drawings and visuals to go with them; There's a concerning amount of Dance with Devils content on my Google Drive which instead of leaving to rot I would at least like to share with you.

I'm probably going to be posting them within the next couple days and then label the book as completed, honoring my final oneshot of everyone graduating from Shiko Academy.

Also, I have no clue what the fuck all that Tae Kwon Do shit was about so we're just gonna ignore that-

I don't have many complaints about this book; to be honest, I really enjoyed writing the cursed stories and headcanons that no mentally sane person would imagine to exist. I'd like to think I made at least a little bit of an impact on the Dance with Devils community by uploading these AU's and chapters written for fun and for no other reason than a good laugh.

Genuinely I'm a bit sad to end this book simply due to the memories and value I have in each and every story (well except the gym class ones because they were kinda weird) (and that one about soda was literally a dream I had) (wasn't there one about a body pillow or something??) well almost every story means alot to me

It has been an honor to have such an amazing following and support on these silly little stories. I love all of you so much and am grateful for you guys.

So with that...

I hope you have a great day or night, wherever you may be.

-Brie (4/29/2022)

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