6. Numbers i keep hidden

Start from the beginning

Everyone talks about random aspects of their life while I sit in my seat. "Iris." Mason says, his voice breaking.

I turn to face him to let him know to continue talking. "You had a son?" He questions. "Almost. I miscarried at 19 weeks." I explain. He brings his hand to his mouth, a shake to his bottom lip.

"How old were you? If you don't mind me asking."

"It was 2 years ago so 15." I tell him.

"I am so sorry. You don't deserve that or anything you said in the poem." He says as a few tears hit his desk from the dark topics.

"I am to." Is all I can respond with. I know it sounds bad to say, but I am sorry for myself. No one should have to be worried to sleep every night in fear of someone coming in. Even if they known no one will anymore, someone broke their trust with sleep.

No one should have to walk into a bathroom with cramps and blood running down their legs at 19 weeks pregnant only to find out the baby they were happy to be blessed with, was no longer with them.

The baby that showed a brightness in the darkness.

"Can I hug you?" I ask him in hopes of a positive response. He nods so I stand up and walk the few steps to his desk. He also stands up and wraps his arms around my waist, my own around his neck.

He whispers his sorries into my hair and we stand like this until the bell rings. Everyone else is to focused on their own lives to pay attention to us hugging in the middle of the classroom.

"I think I want to try this again." He states, confusing me. "Try what again?" I ask. "Us. I think I made a mistake breaking up with you. I've been trying to avoid it but I really miss you." He answers my confusion.

I smile at his words. "Yeah I think I want to try us again to. No misinterpretations this time." I try to joke even though that topic shouldn't be funny.

He smiles at my attempt to lighten the mood. "I work at a bookstore now." I decide to tell him. "Oh yeah? What's it called?" He says with a soft tone.

"Hooked. My boss loves me to. I'm employee of the month. Given I'm the only employee." I happily tell him. Excited to be able to talk to him about things like this again.

He pretends to be interested in everything I'm telling him, which I appreciate.

We eventually separate and go to our own classes, ending off our days.

I go straight to work after school, hoping Noelle isn't busy so I can tell her about Mason.

To my luck, when I walk into the store I see her sitting at her usual spot with a book in her hand. "Noelle!" I shout in excitement.

"Iris?" She shouts back. "I'm back together with Mason." I explain my shouting. Her features drop with this information. "Iris. Please don't ruin yourself for this boy. You are worth so much more." She scolds me.

"I'm not ruining myself for him. He makes me happy." I tell her. She shakes her head and instead of responding, goes straight back to reading. I didn't expect her to be jumping around with the news but I also didn't expect her to be this upset.

I stomp away from her, going to the back to read until a costumer comes in. I pick up the book I bought the first time I was here and decide on finally reading it.

I bought it with intentions of finishing it then but never got around to it. I read the first few pages to try and catch my interest but I'm interrupted with the chime of the front door. I place a book mark in between the pages and jump up to go help the costumer.

I walk through the doors to see Noelle staring at a boy with brunette hair I know all too well.

Well I guess shes met her favorite person now.

"Mason?" I say, causing him to turn around. He smiles at me which makes Noelle groan.

The fact he came here fills my stomach with the butterflies I used to get all of the time from him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I came to buy a book." He shrugs. Noelle mocks him, repeating his words with an annoyed look on her face.

He ask me to help him pick out a good one, both of us now walking over to the adult fiction section.

I name a few books but he has either read everyone I mention or says no.

"What about this one?" I hold up "The Words I Wish I Said." by Caitlin Kelly. He contemplates it for a moment and ends up taking it out of my hands, flipping through a few pages.

"Yeah this works." He says which has us both walking to the register.

"See you later?" He asks after I ring him up. "Of course."

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