Chapter 2: The News

Start from the beginning

"Wow so this is magic? Incredible I never felt anything like this in my entire life" he thought before seeing his hand got lit on fire with dark purple flame and yellow lightning coursing through his nail. "Get ready Izu were going down now!" Beel said before making Izuku body plunge down from the sky. As Izuku go down he start to question his life choices for making a deal with the devil. All the while when he saw Bakugo he snapped back to reality realizing he need to save his friend and be the number 1 hero to making his long life dream into reality.

Opening Izuku palm like a tiger when pouncing his enemy while plunging down from the high altitude making Izuku seem like a falling shooting star or a meteor falling from the sky from the civilian perspective. As he is 30 meter close with the villain the sludge villain turn his body toward Izuku thinking that Izuku is a new hero that just came to give him a surprise attack and rescue Bakugo while he is at it. To his surprise when he saw the shadow turn out to be Izuku he made a fatal mistake by lowering his guard because he remembered Izuku had no quirk when he caught Izuku earlier today. On the other side Bakugo wanted to yell at Izuku for coming to his rescue for he know what were izuku thinking rushing to the sludge villain but couldn't even muster a single word for his mouth were covered with the sludge villain slime because he were annoyed with Bakugo constant scream. Bakugo suddenly thought how the hell does Izuku came from the fucking sky if he has no quirk.

As they draw nearer with each other just before Izuku and the sludge villain collide Beelzebub took full control of Izuku body and smirk in Izuku body while saying the name of her technique "Paralyzing Suffering Claw" as she use Izuku body to swiftly cut Bakugo out of sludge villain body and paralyzing the sludge villain with the lightning enchanted claw while giving him the pain of burning with hellfire in his life that should only be happening only in hell but Beelzebub made a special occasion for him to taste it in the mortal realm.

"Aaahhhh what the fucking hell is this fire?" Scream the sludge villain as he felt the hellfire burn his supposed to be sludge skin burning for the first time in his life by hellfire.

As Bakugo were being tended by the heroes that were standing by before as they couldn't do anything else but just see the villain rampaging in the city as Bakugo were held hostage. The civilian couldn't help but applaud Izuku for his courage even though he were just a middle school students he manage to succeed in a task that a lot of heroes incapable of succeding.

As Bakugo regain his energy he start to Izuku with a little energy he has to sound intimidating "Oi useless Deku who ha, ever say I need your help to be rescued huh?" But his voice are not as loud and as sharp as when they were at school.

As Beelzebub were still in control of Izuku body she managed to give a sarcastic comment to Bakugo before Izuku tried to reject her. "Oh wow this  Pomeranian still has some energy left after being held captive by a weak sludge villain. Well I'm only doing this because I were just pitying the other heroes because they were stuck here trying to save your sorry ass when they could just be anywhere else helping solving real problem rather than being stuck here." Beelzebub say while with using Izuku eyes looking down on Bakugo as she were giving Izuku body back to him.

Izuku speak to Beelzebub in his mind "Beel why did you that?" Continued with Beelzebub reply " Well since a certain Pomeranian wanted to be a ungrateful little bitch I just thought two can play at that game" when they both finished talking Izuku sees Bakugo tried to lunge at him but it was no use because he's energy were already drained by the sludge villain.

As Bakugo were being help to stand up by the nearby heroes waiting for the ambulance to arrive Izuku see his eyes filled with the burning fire of anger for his sarcasm comment on him.

As Izuku were waiting for the ambulance to arrive to take Bakugo to the hospital for the proper treatment he also get a lecture from some of heroes there for his recklessness and what might happen if the sludge villain gets his 'quirk'. While he were lectured he also need to calm Beelzebub down because she were about to control his body again and give another sarcastic comment to the heroes for how incompetent they are but Izuku manages to stop her in time.

As the ambulance arrived the heroes also let go of Izuku letting him go to his home. As he were about to start walking he manage to peek at Bakugo to see him resisting from getting in the ambulance saying he's ok and that he wasn't hurt. Izuku chuckle when he see that at least some of the side of his childhood friend still haven't died yet. As Izuku were walking he also talk with Beelzebub on how awesome Beelzebub were when she was using Izuku body to fight the sludge villain and save Bakugo at the same.         " And then when you cut the villain separating him from Kacchan that feeling was amazing the sludge villain skin felt like I was cutting a slime with a burning sharp knife. There's not even a trace of his fragments on my hand." As Izuku were explaining the feeling of Beelzebub using his body as the medium for her power she interrupt Izuku saying. "Sorry to interrupt you Izu but we have company." As she said that Izuku turn his head back at the wall  behind him and cross his arm say "Why don't you get out and save both of us the trouble? If you don't get out within the next 10 second I'll consider you as an enemy and I will attack you without mercy like the sludge villain" As Izuku said that the voice behind the wall say "Wait I'm not an enemy I'm just here to make a deal and give you a chance to study at UA. But you need to promise me that you will not attack me deal?" Izuku reply with "Fine you got a deal." As he said this he saw a familiar body creep out from the behind of the wall saying

To Be Continue

(Sorry for the late update I haven't just got any idea for this chapter but I'll try to update this book at least once every month if there are some people that want to read this if not I'll just update it whenever I want)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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