Chapter 1:The Deal

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On a sunny Monday morning in the certain middle school in Japan an angry blonde headed boy rushed to the green broccoli haired boy to attack him like he used to everyday with the same phrase "Oi Deku what the hell do you think you're doing? If you are still on about your dream on going to UA and become the no.1 hero then you better just give up because everyone know that without a quirk your just an annoyance to everyone". Deku or Izuku says to him "No I will not give up Kacchan I will prove it to you that even without a quirk you can still become a great hero" This sentence just make an already angry Bakugo Katsuki became even more angry and he said this before hitting Izuku "Oh really? Then let me have the honor on how this "great" hero is going to fight a villain without a quirk. Come on I'll be your opponent" after he said this he quickly use his explosion on Izuku body making him fall on the ground in pain from both the explosion and the impact fromm falling to the ground.

As soon as Izuku fall to the ground Bakugo say this "Well you know Deku there is a way on how you might get a quirk the only problem is whether you have the courage on doing it or not". As soon as Bakugo finished saying that sentence Izuku became anxious and interested seeing this Bakugo grin while saying "The way is that you need to take a swan dive and pray to god that you get reborn with a quirk in your next life" after he said this Bakugo left while laughing his ass off.

As Izuku hear those word he start questioning all of his life choices. He start mumbling inside his head "Who am I kidding there's no fricking way that a quirkless kid like me are going to even be a hero" after he thought his decision through he decided to go to the principal and asked to leave the school early because he say he felt a little sick and the principal allowed it because what does he have to lose because of a quirkless kid decided to skip school. On his way to go home he gets attack by a slime villain. Then the villain say "What you're just a quirkless boy? Well you'll do just fine if I want to rob a bank" as soon as he said this there's suddenly a voice saying "Smash" and the slime villain were splattered everywhere. As Izuku were freed he looked at the familiar voice and the mighty figure and said " A-A-All M-M-Might?" And the figure person said " Have no fear boy for I All Might am here to protect you" as he finished saying his catchphrase the villain say to him " well what do we have here? The symbol of peace himself came and saved the quirkless kid well you can take him All Might I do not need a useless kid to be apart of me and see ya next time All Might" as he said this he escaped thorough the sewer causing All Might incapable of following him.

As All Might know that the slime villain have left them he quickly see if Izuku were hurt anywhere in which he replied no and as All Might were about to leave him Deku stopped him and asked "Is it possible for a quirkless people to be a hero as well?" In which All Might coldly replied "No my boy they can never be a hero and if the want to help other people they can be a police officer or firefighter" as he said those word he leap into the sky and flew over to the city and left Izuku in a mixed emotions of both heartbroken and sadness because this time is it's not Bakugo the one that said those word but All Might himself his own idol which he adored for years crushed his hope on becoming a hero in an instant like glass.

As the heartbroken izuku walk without any direction in his head his body knew where he wanted to go so that this torture could be ended as soon as possible.

(But before we continue Izuku side of story let's go to the other character as well who you ask? Why the great fly herself Beelzebub.)

In the abyss there were a powerful demon that got punished to be prisoned in the abyss for eternity till she died for the abyss possess a special trait which allow it to slowly make any demon that banished in there to slowly lose there power as the time went by. The punishment may seem soft you might think because you only got banished without any torture at all and they only need to wait for their time to die.

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