"I will."

A second later, the crystal stopped glowing the same moment Sollel's voice disappeared.

Putting back the communication crystal inside her ring, Gatria drawls a breath and closed her eyes to rest. She'd been using her essence to give nutrients to the soil, to the forest and to every vegetation that needed her essence.

She felt drained that it didn't even take a while for her to succumb into deep slumber. 


NIGHT ALREADY FELL, but Gatria was still inside her room, asleep. As a result, Treven had to eat dinner alone. He was hoping Drago would accompany him, but the bastard was also asleep hence he was now in the inn's tavern, eating alone.

Treven declared to himself that it was going to be a boring night as he returned to his room after drinking booze after his meal, but it looked like the deities had other plans for him that night.

There was a knock on his door.

If it was Gatria, she would just barge in or call his name, so he hesitated if he'll open the door or not.

After a short deliberation with himself, he went to open the door and was stunned to see who was outside.

A gorgeous half-demon with a blindfold around his eyes.

Treven was lost for words because he was not expecting him.

"You, um, need anything?" It was unlike him to stutter, but stutter, he did.

Zarek, the half-demon warlord parted his lips and with his voice that could make anyone strip and kneel, he spoke. "I'm here to ask you something. May I?"

Treven cleared his throat, hoping that his mind on the gutter would be cleared as well. "Of course. Come on in."

Treven didn't know if Zarek had no defense mechanism or If he just didn't really see Treven as anyone who would do something to him because Zarek entered his room without hesitation. Or maybe I'm just too weak that he doesn't see me as a threat. Yeah. That's about it, Treven thought and then he thought of something more heart wrenching reason. Maybe Zarek just doesn't see me as a romantic partner. Yeah. He's so innocent and upright, after all.

"So," Treven sat on the edge of his bed while Zarek took the chair in the corner of the room, "what is it that you want to ask? Wait— before that. Could you tell me how you found me?" As far as he knew, he didn't tell anyone where he was staying.

"I smelled you."

Treven froze before he subtly sniffed himself to check what he smelled like. Please, self, be a good smelling warlord. "May I ask how I smell like?"

"Woody. Spicy. Delicious." The answer was given coldly that Treven didn't feel even a tinge of happiness even though Zarek just told him he smelled delicious.

When Zarek didn't hear a reply from Treven, he explained further.

"Demons could smell one's soul. I'm only half, but I also have the same ability."

So my soul smells woody, spicy and delicious? Treven frowned at that. "Why the hell does my soul smells like woody and spicy? I get the 'delicious' because I am indeed a delectable piece of morsel and spicy because I'm hot, but woody? What am I? An old man? Wait— this must be Gatria's fault since she's the Mistress of Nature and all."

Zarek didn't know what Treven was talking about, but he understood one thing. "When you touched me earlier, you don't appear to be hot. Or has your temperature risen tonight?"

Treven blinked at Zarek, he was confused as fuck, until he realized that the man sitting on the chair was an innocent half-demon. "Don't, um, don't mind what I said. And, um, my temperature is fine. Anyway, what do you want to ask?"

Zarek sat straight before he faced him. Treven didn't even know how Zarek could tell where he was exactly when he had a blindfold around his eyes. "When we first met, you said you're a warlord of Sappher, then, may I ask if you knew Drue Ymbert?"

Treven became silence and his usual pleasant smile disappeared when he heard the name of Kar's father. "Why are you looking for him?"

Zarek sense a change in Treven, but he still answered. "My father chose eternal death a few months back after my mother passed away a decade ago. He told me to look for Drue Ymbert in the kingdom of Treterra. He said Drue Ymbert will take good care of me."

If Zarek met Drue Ymbert, he'll be surely used against the Yther's Queens. An innocent warrior like Zarek will be easy to use. And if that happened, Hakkeran will kill him for sure, Treven thought as his mind worked double time to stop that from happening.

"I don't know if Drue Ymbert already went through the arcane ritual of rebirth," Treven answered honestly, "but you can indeed find his son in the capital of Treterra, Ager. Though I will warn you, if you went to their side, I'll be your enemy."

Zarek stilled. "Why?"

"Because we have different beliefs." Treven sighed. "Do you really have to meet him?"

"Yes. My father said so."

"Then... want to travel with us? We're going to Ager too."

Zarek frowned. "I thought we'll be enemies if I met him?"

"Maybe I can still change your mind while traveling?" Treven was hoping he could.

Zarek was silent for a whole minute before he said something Treven was not expecting him to say. "Meeting him and siding him are two different things. Your soul smells very pleasant and delicious, that means you're a very nice person. Therefore, if you were against him, then he's probably the bad one. But I can't just brush off my father's request. I have to honor my father's dying wish."

"Then travel with us," Treven offered again. He didn't want this opportunity to slip. "At least, if that man did something to you, I can protect you."

Zarek looked down as if thinking hard before he raised his head and face Treven. "Won't I be a burden in your travel?"

"Definitely not," as fast as lighting, Treven answered. "Gatria is more of a burden than you."

"Gatria...? Is she your woman?"

Treven looked at Zarek flatly before he let out an exasperated breath. "How many times do I have to tell you that I like you? Not the innocent kind of like, but the kind that wants to hug, kiss, have sex and do lots of dirty and nasty stuff with you?"

Zarek became silent again, after a long while, he spoke. "I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way."

Treven blew a loud breath. "Yes, yes, I know. No need to rub it in. Anyway, have you decided? My companions wouldn't mind for sure since they're all boring anyway."

"Then," Zarek stood up and bowed his head, "If It wouldn't be a burden and trouble to you and your companions, I would like to travel with you."

Treven knew he had no chance with Zarek whatsoever, but a happy smile still appeared on his lips. "Then get ready. We're just waiting for one of our companions to arrive, then we'll be off."

"Thank you." Zarek bowed his head again. "I will take my leave now."

Treven sighed as Zarek and his handsome face left his room.

Now alone, Treven elicited a groan. "Why does he has to have a handsome face that's totally my type? Ah, fuck it. Why am I a sucker for that demonic handsome face?"

Treven was groaning at how his travel with Gatria would become more torturous now that the half-demon he was smitten with will be traveling with them, meanwhile Zarek, who just stepped out of Treven room, stopped and took a deep breath, as if wanting Treven's woody, spicy and delicious scent to filled his lungs.

Smelling so delicious, Zarek thought of Treven and his soul's scent and he immediately felt his fang watering. I wonder... If I could take a bite?


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