Suddenly, Treven appeared beside their table. "Want to travel with us then? We're going to Ager too."

Gatria had her elbow on the table, propping up her chin as she looked up at Treven. "What happened to your half-demon?"

"He left."

Gatria let out a small laugh, but to Treven it sounded like a mocking laugh so he glared at Gatria.

"You still haven't found a partner yet?" Drago joined in the conversation.

Treven glared at Drago. "So what? I'm picky. How about you?"

Drago stole a quick glance at Gatria before he answered. "No partner for me as well. The one I adore is already taken. Anyway," Drago cleared his throat, "you mentioned traveling to Ager. If you don't mind, I'll tag along."

"We don't." Treven quickly replied, not even taking Gatria's opinion before making a decision. "The more strong travel companions we have, the less I'll be worried."

Gatria sighed and shook her head before she looked at Drago to ask. "Are you sure about traveling with us? Our pace is slow because we have to travel on foot."

"On foot?" Drago frowned and looked at Treven. "Something happened to Vago?"

Vago, the wyvern, was previously owned by Drago when he was still roaming around Azitera, looking for strong individuals to fight. He gave it to Treven after he decided to return home since Vago would only be eaten by his kind.

"Vago is fine, but," Treven glowered at Gatria, "the Mistress of Nature here wanted to ascertain the condition of the soil, the trees, the foliage, the forest and every vegetation she could find, so our pace is very slow. I'd been complaining, but she always turns a deaf ear."

Gatria smiled at Treven so sweetly. "To show my appreciation with your constant complaining, I promise to take my time and enjoy nature leisurely from now on."

"Gatria!" Treven sat on the vacant chair next to Gatria. "How could you be so mean? I just got my heart broken a minute ago!"

Gatria just shrugged indifferently at Treven before her gaze returned to Drago. "Well? Still interested in traveling with us?"

"Traveling alone is unpleasant." Drago smiled and his golden eyes glistened, making his handsome face even more attractive and charming. "Count me in."

"Yes!" Treven even punched in the air. "With Drago, I don't have to worry a thing even if we encountered someone with moonrite stone."

"What's a moonrite stone?"

No one answered Drago so he didn't pursue the topic. Seeing how the sword goddess flinched, it might be a sensitive topic for her so he decided to let the topic go.

"Anyway, we should go find an inn." After a few seconds, Gatria spoke. "I want to rest. We still have to wait for Grath before we leave for Ager, that means we still have a few days to enjoy Ashmire."

"I think there's still a vacant room in the inn I'm staying at." Dragon informed the two. "Why don't you stay there?"

"Alright. Let's go." Gatria stood up and left the tavern without putting back the hood of her cloak to enjoy the town's breeze. Unlike Sollel who had an eye-catching bright red hair and eyes that was uncanny in Azitera, Gatria's hair color was brown. Some humans had the same hair color, so she was free to roam around without worry that she might attract attention.

After a short time, Gatria, Drago and Treven arrived at the inn Drago was staying. After Treven paid for two rooms with bath and food, Gatria immediately went to her room to rest.

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