Chapter 2

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Its Sunday today, and its our last day in Paris, After this I will go back to the Philippines. I will return to my corporate slave self. I wish I could stay longer, But I'm really not that rich to live here and I have all my responsibility left at home.

Responsibility that I should taken care of. Since I was a kid it was deep embedded that when you are the oldest sibling you should take care of your younger siblings, you should look out for them, teach them and act as a parent when your parents aren't around. As a child the sense of responsibility creep me out, it chain me to the idea that I'm responsible for everyone future. It's hard to matured when you are just a child, but I gradually accepted my faith that somehow I am really responsible for my families future.

The models are already packing things from our apartment suddenly I received a phone call from our creative director saying I should extend my stay for 2 more days to organize and to turn overs file for the magazines. I gladly accept it, but they will move me in a smaller apartment, because all the models will go home. I'm so happy another 2 days to enjoy Paris

My manager called and gave me some instructions to where I will stay for the last 2 days. It was a small apartment in the district alleys. I was about to knock when the door open.

" Bonjour, Excuse me I'm looking for Miss Fatima, is she here?" I wasn't looking at the man in front of me because my eyes were busy looking for a Miss Fatima, I need it to be done today, Why is this man not moving? I need to go to the front desk

"Mayari?" A familiar deep voice I haven't heard for quite a while, that same fierce stare, tan skin, firm stand and glistening eyes. I thought I erased all memories of you in my system when we last met. I thought that all the pain that you caused was be enough to overpower the love we shared, I thought it was all hatred. But why am I standing here unable to talk, nervously holding my sanity.

"Ace why are blocking the door? And who's this?" A young woman in her mid 20s appear, she looked like one of the models I'm accompany, she's beautiful.

"She's looking for you, Right Mayari?"

That's my Que to hold everything together and be firm, I need to be rational, I'm not a teenager anymore that will cause a ruckus just because i see my ex lover.

"I do, are you Miss Fatima, I'm here to avail the room my manager had reserved for me, it's under the name of Luis Von Dela Rama"

"Yeah Mr. Dela Rama made a rush reservation, but luckily we had available rooms left, shall I accompany you"

"Thank you so much" Im waiting for Ace to go. But he just keep following me and Ms. Fatima.

"Um is he also a tenant here?" I Unconsciously asked Ms. Fatima

" No, he's my sister fiancee, he normally stays here every Sunday and monday to run some errands for my sister" I knew this time will come, when my fears will come to flesh. I always imagine Ace being married to another girl, I know its weird imagining your ex lover marrying the woman she love.

" You two knew each other?" Ms Fatima asked while switching her stare to both of us

" We are friends, I guess" I said while slightly laughing, Ace was staring at me the whole moment while we are walking towards my apartment.

"Here we are room 204, how long are you going to stay Ms. Mayari?"

"Probably 2 days, I just need to organize and turn overs some file" Miss Fatima handed me the keys and left, I was about to open the room when Ace spoke

" It's been a while how are you?" I want to slap his face and drag him to the balcony and throw the shit out of him, but it's murder I can't do that

"I'm okay" I replied

" I can treat you dinner if you want, this resto down the road made the best pasta in town you should try it" the nerve of this jerk to ask me to eat some pasta, you hurt me 3yrs ago and now you act like nothing happens like we are friends again

"Look Ace, I'm tired the whole day looking for this apartment, and please don't act like we are friends cause we really are not, I cut all the ties that connect us when you said that you don't want a nuisance like me" For a moment he froze, shocked of what he had heard, he didn't expect my blunt reply, I wasn't like this 3 yrs ago, I was timid and naive, but not now. I came to realize that being naive, soft hearted and timid made me vulnerable, you will never hurt me again my love

"I see, have you been in eiffel Tower?" Right the Eiffel tower, I used to love that tower I dreamed of being married facing eiffel tower cause it reminds me of how majestic time can change things.

"Nope, and I'm not planning to"

"Are you still mad at me?" I obviously do but I can't say that

" What do you think? Ace, it's no longer my responsibility to update you what happen to my life, and please don't try to mend things up cause it will never will"

I sound bitter, but its true I'm still bitter to the idea that the man I plan to build my future with is marrying a random girl I haven't heard about, what a lucky girl.

"Look Mayari, I know I hurt you and keep hurting you by the fact that I just left and never gave you a proper explanation"

"It's your chance to give me that, After your explanation I will decide whether to accept It or not, and for the record I'm not hurting anymore, don't be full of yourself"  

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