Chapter 1: PARIS

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It's was mid June when I travelled in Paris, the weather is so nice that day, Paris was always been my dream city its always been on my number one destination, that's why when the opportunity knock I quickly grab it, The company need a chaperone to accompany one of the models of the shoot for the magazine that I'm working with, the compensation is not that high but its a "all paid travel" so obviously I grab it. And it's Paris, my dream city.

The task I'm assigned to is to organize the models schedule and accommodation, The shoot only last for a week. 5 days are for all the activities for the magazine and the last 2 days where for the staff to enjoy.

Saturday that week was one of my free day, I started my day sipping latte at a coffeeshop below the apartment I'm staying with. It's was a lazy morning for me, I don't know anyone in Paris. Most of my life I spend living in the hovering city of the Philippines. Its was not easy, I mean life has never been easy. When you grow up in an Asian household the expectation for the first child is incredibly high, because you will be the role model of your other siblings. And obviously I am one of them, I think Im kinda failure when it comes to my families merit, My younger brother and sisters where on the field of medicine and Engineering. And I'm not, It's kinda sounds funny but when you live in an Asian household if you weren't a doctor, a teacher, a nurse or an accountant you're a failure, So I considered myself as "kinda" failure because I never really thought that I ended up working for a fashion magazine. I have a degree in education, I just don't practice it, and teaching is not my cup of tea,

"Mayari? Is that you" said the lady carrying a baby

"Yes? Who are you?" the lady suddenly sat in front of me

"It's Lovely? Lovely Dela Pena, we are classmates way back highschool"

Highschool was always been a bad memory for me, So I tried to buried some of them.

"Sorry miss, I don't want to sound rude, But I don't really recognise you" Thats a half bake lie, I do recognise her, but I don't remember we were classmates, Or maybe I just don't want to remember a certain someone in High school

"I see, But it's good to see you, by the way do you have any news about Ace? He's also in Paris"

"I don't have any idea, it's nice chatting with you, I really apologise if I didn't recognise you, I really need to go, I have errands to do" Thats also a lie, I don't have anything to do, and why he's here of all the places.

" You promised you will never go with Paris without me, I guess it's also a lie" You ruined everything I build for myself, You don't deserve to be happy my love.

Whatever you doing in Paris it's none of business, I still hate you, but I'm slowly moving on. 

AN:  Hi if you are reading this thank you very much for reading this chapter, Im a newbie author, hope you enjoy this story 

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