◻Chapter 09◻✔️

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Shuddering Shrubs

Maybe the qualms I birth will cage you. But you have the key to your freedom, and I respect your desire, my master.

"Tushant. Are you ready to face the reality?"

His too-formal speech made him nod his head to stutter his strands, which landed up messed on his temples. Little laughs filled the odd silence around.

"If you wouldn't mind me asking..." His concerns pooled in his dim-lit eyes.

"I do not mind silly things. You have made me immune enough."

He whispered in a low voice while his pulsating arms pulled the metallic draw smooth in the sides enough to let it screech less.

"Ahem. May I know your name?"

An array of chaotic gazes flowed from either coast.

"Trying to read me with my name? I don't believe in name-knowing things. What does knowing a name do, after all?" He shuffled some plastic bunches to pull out a thick roll of herbal leaves as his words flowed blandly.

Weird! The name does so many things. Okay, two-three things, at least.

"Alright. You choose to hide your identity. Now how shall I help you... Ahem. Sudden loss of conscience or- Yeah, how should I call or caution you?"

His silenced nods made him restless.


"Haahaa. Sorry-"

"Jerk or never mind. Easier, right?" He tossed his palms to the sides, making Tushant roll his eyes.

"And haven't you already picked names for me? Spidy, eh?"

"That's rude. You can't pop into my head all day." He opened his arms to let them land in a thud on his thighs.

"Nay, Nah! I can't read you until you let me do. You could have kept your thinking frequency a bit low." 

Stating that, he shook the faded green bundle of serrated leaves and took the alcohol-fueled lighter from the sides. He then lit up the herbal leaves one after the other, making the vapors flee at every possible angle.

"Ah, would you mind if I ask about your safety margin?"

Tushant cast his dubious glares at the whirling thin smokes. His nose flared to cough out the steam.

"Ghoorkk ghrook argrhm ahm. This isn't weed, though. I'm moderate enough if that might help."

"Much of sense. Just some relaxing shrubs, but they are kind of hypnotic."

"What- You should have told me that before lighting them. That's the protocol!" He dragged himself along the seat to the edges.

"Breaking the rules is the key, right?"

"Should you break all the trust as such-" His eyes shuttered faster while his rigid expressions turned him pale.

"Alright, they aren't that hypnotic. Keep calm and stop yelling now."

He is playing! Too mean, not funny. Jerk!

"Hey, hey! Feed-in some sense. Why on earth would I hypnotize you for your sister?"

"Because you play with ghosts."

"What the- Hrgh!"

"I'm sorry-"

Amaranthine Odes | ONC 2022Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang