In Which Sophie's Potential Soulmate Might Eat Human Flesh

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Sophie passed out from blood loss two minutes later. Apparently, her wolf was nothing special.

She dreamed of Eric. Or Hunter. Whatever he was called. She was in her wolf form which, for some reason, was a chihuahua, albeit a very vicious chihuahua with sharp teeth and the bark of a warrior.

Her fur rippled in the wind. Her paws pounded against the ground. Trees swayed around her, their branches shielding her from the moon. She ran like she had nowhere else to go, which sounded deep, but didn't really mean anything.

Eric ran beside her. No matter how hard she pushed her stubby chihuahua legs, he remained by her side. He was barely breathing hard. He grinned down at her. "So, Suzie, I hear we're soulmates. You know what that means, right?"

Sophie howled. It sounded like a whistling teakettle.

"It means you're mine," he said with a growl. "And I'm a possessive billionaire who will track your phone and make sure you never see anyone who isn't me. Won't that be nice?"

He picked her up with a single hand then drained her body of blood. "Ah," he said, as he threw her bloodless corpse aside. "I knew you'd come in handy."

Sophie woke up screaming.

"I really think a blood transfusion is the right choice here. She's cold to the touch and—Sophie! You're awake!"

Sophie blinked. White walls swayed around her. She was tied down, on a white cot, her hand swathed in cloth. An engine growled beneath her. Cora sat beside her, her hands clasped in her lap, her knuckles white.

Sophie stopped screaming.

"Hey," Cora said. She inched closer. She had a seatbelt strapped across her body. They must be in some kind of van. "How are you feeling?"

"Great!" Sophie grinned. Her hand hurt. Actually, now that she thought about it, the pain was excruciating. She couldn't move her fingers the bandage was so tight, and her hand throbbed dully. A burst of pain shot up her arm. She gasped. "Ouch. Okay, maybe not so great. Nine out of ten. Wait, wait, wait, Cora. Did they tell you I'm a werewolf now?"

Cora winced. "Yeah, I heard."

Irienna leaned around the back of the driver's seat. "I told her! Have you caught up on The First Chance Mate Returns and There's a Love Triangle yet?"

Sophie tried to gesture to her hand, but she was tied down. "I've been a little busy. Why am I tied up?"

"We didn't want you to roll off the bed." Cora undid her seatbelt and quickly untied the ropes around Sophie. "Irienna isn't the best driver."

"It's not my fault! I'm an Omega. I'm defenseless and helpless until I find my Alpha. All I have is my lovely personality."

Cora pursed her lips. "Lovely is debatable."

"That's right!" Jaxon crossed his arms. "Werewolves are bad. Therefore, your personality is bad."

"Is my personality bad now?" Sophie frowned. "That sucks."

Cora shook her head. "Of course not. Your personality is great."

"Hi Sophie!" Jaxon waved at her. "I'm here too. We're going home!"

The van jolted. Sophie slid to one side of her bed, grasping at the sheets to hold herself steady. Cora jumped forward to help, but her seatbelt held her back.

"Sorry! I'm on it." Irienna pulled her head back so she was facing the road. The van steadied.

"I keep telling you—Eyes on the road, Irienna." Cora sighed. "So you're a werewolf now? Do you like it?"

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