Practice ( Chapter 3)

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Moon was finally back 30 minutes later with some sticks. "Alrighty I got these,they won't be used for the show. I got some people working on some better sticks that will fit the performance so these are just for now." Moon gave johnny and ryan the sticks and left the room. " alright are you ready ryan?" "Yep always am". The background dancers got theyer sticks that they already had and circled ryan and Johnny. Nooshy put some music on she just put some simple melodys on. Ryan and johnny got in there poses and started walking in a circle. Ryan and johnny ran closer together and climbed up the sticks they looked at eachother and with the other stick they had hit them together. They stayed in that position for a couple seconds and stared into eachothers eyes. Johnny thought about how beautiful Ryan's eyes where and then some one said somthing "uh are you guys gonna move?? It was one of the background dancers. "Oh yea sorry bout that-" Johnny and ryan got down from they're sticks and nooshy turned off the music " ryan, johnny that was super good it's gonna be great when you guys performe together!" " aw thanks nooshy wouldn't even have been able to be here I am now if it weren't for you" nooshy and Johnny smiled at each other warmly. 

It was pretty late so all the background dancers went home. Johnny , Ryan and Nooshy all met up in the main part of the back stage to see what to do next. 

"All right gang i think we got enough work done for today plus its pretty late so what do you guys wanna do know?'' moon asked. know had to crazy of an idea most of the ideas where to find a hotel and stay there for now so everyone agreed to that. Moon and the theater group waited for a bus to come to pick them up. after around 15 minutes of waiting a bus finally came everyone got on the bus johnny and ryan sat together and since the bus seats could only fit 2 people nooshy had to sit in front of them.

Ryan was pretty tired and so he didn't talk to much he mainly listened to johnny and nooshy chatting. After around 10 minutes ryan fell asleep and his head sat on johnny shoulder johnny looked over to see ryan sleeping he blushed. He wasn't expecting ryan to fall asleep. Johnny looked back at nooshy a d she was smirking " come on nooshy don't look at me like that" nooshy giggled "sorry mate you and ryan are just so cute together can't control my self it's like you guys where ment to be or somthing" "Heh you think?" Asked johnny " yea yea totally you guys where made for eachother I swear man!" "Yea maybe.." nooshy giggled and sat back down on her seat sooner or later johnny feel asleep to and his head and it gently fell on to Ryan's. The bus took around 38 minutes to get to the hotel a couple minutes before they got there ryan woke up he saw how johnny fell asleep on Ryan's head also ryan slowly moved his head and gently shook Johnny's shoulder to wake him up. "Johnny you awake?" A couple second laters johnny opened his eyes a little bit and yawned "hm?" Johnny looked up and saw threw the window "oh were at the hotel!-sorry if I held you up ryan" " no don't worry you didn't I wanted to wake you up before we got here so we're not so tired when you had to walk" "oh thanks ryan" "no problem"

Everyone got off the bus and entered the hotel moon was talking to the staff trying to get enough rooms for everybody "alright gang I got six rooms all of them have two queen sized beds that can fit two people so if anyone is comfortable sharing a bed with some one please come up here so I can give you the keys ." Johnny ryan porsha and nooshy all came up" ok here are the keys and your guys room is...329 on the 2nd floor " moon gave the keys to johnny. Everybody who was staying in that room. They went up the stairs and got to they're room johnny took out the keys and tried opening the room he really struggled for a minute and could not get it open "uh ryan can you help me? I can't get the door open" ryan giggled a little seeing johnny struggled "yes johnny I can help you" " thanks ryan" "mhm" Johnny gave ryan the keys and he unlocked the door. Everybody entered the room. Nooshy and porsha took the bed that was on the left and johnny and ryan took the bed that's on the right side of the room. 

It was getting pretty late in some random draws that where in the room and had food in them so they ate. Moon sent a message to a group chat that all the theater group where in the message said "Hey guys I hope you all like yours rooms! We will meet up in the hotel lady at 5am so we can go to the theater and get there in time get some goodnight rest!" It was around 10:32 so everyone decided that they should start heading to bed there was only one bathroom so they had to take turns porsha went first cause everyone knew that she would take the longest. Then nooshy went 2nd then ryan and last johnny. While johnny was changing someone accidently walked in thinking the bathrooms was empty "ok ok porsha chill I'll grab it for you-" it was ryan! Johnny screamed he sounded like girl ryan also screamed ryan coverd his eyes with his arms "oh my God I'm so sorry johnny I didn't know that you where still in here I'll leave now-" ryan quickly shut the door. A few minutes later johnny came out of the bathroom "Johnny again I'm so sorry that I walked in I honestly didn't mean to I thought the bathroom was empty-" "ryan calm down its ok don't worry about it it happens sometimes" "ok thanks for understanding.  Porsha I'll go grab your stuffy now"  ryan went back into the bathroom to grab porshas stuffy "when you screamed you sound like a girl johnny-" nooshy said. Nooshy and porsha both laughed he did in fact sound like a girl." Whatever I wasn't expecting him" " ok then.." Ryan came back with porshas stuffy "ok porsha I got your stuffy" "thank you ryann" after that ryan got in the bed at first it was kinda awkward but after a couple minutes they both realized that there's nothing weird about sharing a bed. around thirty minutes later they where snuggling and fell asleep.

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