Kuboyasu POV•

Apparently..we have school tomorrow. I really don't want to go. I'm so..miserable. He was my fucking everything. He comforted me, he messed with me..everything. He was so special to me..but now..he's gone. How did I not fucking notice.?! It's all because of a pink haired geek called Saiki Kusuo. You know what? I'm going go to school tomorrow just to give him a piece of my mind. He lowkey deserves nothing in life, NOTHING! Oh I just can't WAIT to squish the brains out of him. I get up out of Toritsuka's bed and bring his diary with me. I run down the stairs into the living room, sitting on the soft couch with my knees. I flick back to the first few pages of it, it's about when I moved in. "OH MY GOODNESSSSS!!" it read. (read pronounced as red duh) "So basically, I was on the internet the other day, facebook specifically, looking for new roommates. It seemed just a bit too lonely in my house since it's REALLY big. I posted on my Facebook that I needed an new roommate, no rent needed! (but you obviously need to buy your own food, new sheets, etc.) I posted it a few hours ago but I've already got a few hundred responses. I scrolled and scrolled through my comments and my dms, and nobody caught my eye except for this one dude.. His name was Kuboyasu. The only reason he caught my eye was because he was the only one who asked "Are you sure we don't have to pay rent? Like, I'm fine with that but I still can if you want to.?" It made my heart skip a beat for some reason. I immediately answered him and gave him my number and everything. The next day, (a lot earlier than I expected) he arrived!! I was so excitedddd! He told me his age, but I didn't know what he looked like since I was too scared to ask.. It was about 15:09pm when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly came the stairs, I'm in nothing but shorts and my favourite pair of white socks. (I don't know why but I just couldn't get myself to put on a shirt..) I opened the door just to see the most beautiful man in history. His luscious dark purple hair slightly covering his eyes with a pair of beautiful framed glasses. I think I've been staring at him for too long because he stares to the side and starts blushing. He looks back at me straight in the eyes. He's slightly taller than me as well. "Hey,I'm Kuboyasu.!" His loud but soft voice says." I stop reading it there. There is another few pages but I'm not bothered to read anymore since I'm already flustered like crazy because if this guy's fucking diary.. I miss him. It's all that stupid pink haired fucking tramps fault. It's all Saiki's fault. I might as well just go to sleep now..wait..my phone.. MY PHONE!! I CAN CALL HIM!! I run back upstairs into my bedroom where I see my phone charging. I grab it and immediately and go to my contacts and ring "Toritsukaaa❤️". It starts to ring.. still no reply though.. It's still ringing..but still no reply.. I sigh. I'm never going to see him again am I.? I put my phone back down and go to sleep.

•Saiki POV•

It's time.. It's time to go to school. I really don't want to go, and when I say really, I mean it. It's because I don't want to do work. Well, that's a lie. It's because I don't want to see him. Kuboyasu.. I feel so guilty after all the things I said to him..but did he deserve it? I don't want to think about that right now, it's too late for that. I grab my school bag from underneath the staircase. "Oh god.." I think to myself. This is really gonna fuck things up even more isn't it? I put my school bag on my back. "I'm going to school now." I call out to my mother. "Ku-chan! Wait!" She exclaims back after me. I sigh and walk into the kitchen. "You forgot your bento box sweetie! Here!" She then hands me my bento box that I'm glad she reminded me of. I definitely wouldn't have survived without it. "Thanks." I reply. She then gives me a peck on the cheek and lets me head off to school. As I'm walking to school, I'm usually caught with the two dipshits, Nendou and Kaidou, but there's only one today, and of course, it's the worst one. "HEY, PAL! How you doing??" I sigh as Nendou quickly approaches me. I speed up as I don't want him to catch up with me. "Oi pal, OI pal, OI Pal, OI PAL!" He continuously screams after me. Thank god we were right outside of the school, otherwise I would've blown him to Mars the second he would've said another "Oi pal.". Well, here we are now. Now though, time to figure out how I'll deal with this day.. I've gotten a text on my Nokia Block 3000 the moment I step onto the school grounds.

He's so.. {Kubosai Story}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن