Just Me And You.

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•Kuboyasu POV•

Just as Saiki-san leaves, they all look at me, FUMING. Why though?! Are they her minions or something? I'm going to be honest, I could probably murder all of them but I don't think I should on my third week of school.. "Alright, you can calm dow-" I start. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" "WHY IS SHE RED?!?!!" "APOLOGISE!!!" They all start shouting out at me. I start getting overwhelmed and dizzy. I hate getting shouted at. Especially by people I barely know. 💭Saiki-san! Help!💭 I say through thought. In a blink of an eye, they were all passed out. Even the queen bee. I start feeling dizzy myself and black out. Everything went black. After a few hours I finally gained consciousness and the first think I saw was Saiki-san looking over me, of course at this sight, I turn a light shade of red and get up immediately. "Good afternoon." He started. "A-afternoon?!" I stutter, still being quite dizzy. "Yeah, it was about 9am when you decided to black out. It's 12:07 in the afternoon now." He said, his voice was soft. "Are you the one who made all the students pass out? For me ?" I asked. He turned pink at the question. "I only did it because they were going to hurt you, that's all." He replied. "Thanks Saiki-san! Are they still just laying there in the school though?!" I asked worryingly. "No," he replied. "I put them all in their homes and sent out a fake message saying that school was closed early due to {insert problem}." "That's good to hear!" I reply. "But that means we can't study anymore since we don't have our books or anythi-"

•Saiki POV•

"But that means we can't study anymore since we don't have our books or anythi-" I stop him by pulling him into a hug. "I was really worried about you." I say, feeling my self turn redder and redder at the thought of me hugging him. "Saiki-san, you really need to stop worrying about me, I'm going to be just fine in school. It's not like anyone can hurt me." He replies. "That is true but I just want you to stay by my side, all the time." I say, resting my head in the nook of his shoulder. "You're so clingy Saiki-san, it makes you seem even cuter." He says with a chuckle. I turn tomato red and push him jokingly. He won't stop laughing at me. Since my parents aren't home, We could practically do whatever we wanted, so I decided to make some coffee jelly for the both of us. I stand up, almost forgetting to ask him. "Hey, do you like coffee jelly?" I ask, hoping for a yes. "I LOVE COFFEE JELLY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!" He exclaims. (Oh my lord I love this man even more.)  "Great, come with me then." - We go upstairs to my bedroom (we were in the living room) and I try and reach for the cupboard but of course, I'm too short. Kuboyasu ends up giggling and lifting me up so I could reach higher. I grab the coffee jelly machine and grab the ingredients. Once I come back from getting the ingredients, I come back to Kuboyasu looking at the light orange machine as if it just spoke. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "Oh it's nothing, it just looks very...confusing..." I giggle at the thought of Kuboyasu desperately trying to make coffee jelly without knowing what to do. I place the ingredients on my table and put them into the machine. Once I turned it on Kuboyasu looked at it as though it was doing magic tricks. And I'm not going to lie, he looked cute doing it.

•Third person POV•

After awhile of making coffee jelly cups, Saiki and Kuboyasu decide to play video games. Saiki had multiple gaming consoles since he never really had anything to do during the summer, and it was the only thing that really calmed him down (besides coffee jelly of course.). Saiki decided to take the Nintendo switch, while Kuboyasu decided to take his (Saiki's) PS4. At first they were playing Mario Kart together, then wii Sports And then Cooking Mama. Kuboyasu decided to let Saiki sit between his legs and watch Saiki play Mario Kart by himself on the switch which looked something like this:

 Kuboyasu decided to let Saiki sit between his legs and watch Saiki play Mario Kart by himself on the switch which looked something like this:

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"You're really good at this!" Kuboyasu compliments Saiki. "Thank you, Ive been practicing for a while actually." Saiki replied, showing off a little. - The two boys stayed like this for a while, until they got a bit tired and decided to watch a movie before going to sleep.

•Kuboyasu POV•

After a while of playing video games and talking to Saiki-san, we got a little tired and decided to watch a movie before going to sleep. "What movie should we watch?" I asked him. "I don't know. What type of movies are you into?" He asked. "I dunno, I've been into a lot of horror lately, but I'm not sure if I should watch horror before going to sleep." I reply guiltily. "I don't mind at all." Saiki said softly. "Oh I know! What about romance?" I ask. I see Saiki go red. I start to realise what I said. I go red as well and start to panic. "NO NO NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT I JUST-" "It's fine. Lets put on some romance shall we?" He continued. I turn even redder. "Yeah, lets put on some romance." I reply, almost stuttering. It took quite a while to find some good romance but we finally did. It's had a great story line and everything. I honestly really enjoyed it. After about 45 minutes later, Saiki fell asleep on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. I was already as red as a tomato. We were in his bedroom since he had a tv there anyways so I just decided to put him to bed. I pause the show, lift him up and put him in his bed. Just as I was about to go downstairs and sleep on the couch, he pulls my hoodie saying: "Please don't leave." In a very tired voice. I go red again. But he has done a lot for me ever since we met so I guess I could do him a favour (😏). I get into the bed with him and tuck both of us in. I can already feel my face boiling up. Just as I finish tucking in, he grabs my waist and pulls me in closer. I feel like I'm going to explode at this point. But I just end up going with the flow. I just can't say no to him anymore. He's so..
1180 wordssssss! Not as good as the last story but still not bad 😟 I have lots of things to do this week so I might not be able to update as much as I could this week but yeah! Thanks for reading!

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