{Chapter 1} moving day

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        Nobodies pov:

Elliot Devlin was 15 at the time and him,his mother and his little sister Kelly had just moved into a house in
California. His father, Elya Devlin was somewhere in Europe.
His parents were split up but Elliot's father still sent him and his sister letters.


They rolled up into the driveway after a 6 hour car drive
They were all wrecked except for Kelly, she was quite excited especially for a 6 yearold.
Elliot hopped out of the car and stared at the house for a moment
It wasn't a thing like his mom had told him.
The house was big but old
It needed another paint job
The roof looked like it would collapse into itself at any given time
One of the windows was partially blocked bye some vines growing off it
You could tell bye just looking at it you wouldn't want to be there for too long

Elliot looked back at his mother who seemed almost just as confused as him.
Kelly was beaming from ear from ear despite the wreck that stood before them,
I guess you shouldn't trust really cheap things.
Eliots mom smiled a non-reassuring smile
"Elliot come help me take out the luggage"
She was already taking out stuff out from the boot
He complied reluctantly
He helped take out the stuff from the car into the house with his mom while Kelly was holding onto one of her Barbie dolls.
Elliot could figure out that the outside was worse than the inside.
But the curtains tattered,
There was a lot of chipped paint,
Crickety floor boards,
The list could go on.
But despite that,Elliot found it comforting? Weird, I know.
His mom put the bags on the floor and said, "okay..do you both want to look here while I unpack"
Kelly and Elliot nod and run up the first flight of stairs

Elliot's pov:

Kelly ran upstairs speedily
"Kelly slow down or your gonna trip!"
I shout
"Hurry elly!"
She always calls me elly even though she knows my name and knows how to semi-pronounce it
We get to the top of the stairs
"It's Elliot,ell - e - it."
Kelly is very amused
"Shh" she said
She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the rooms
They weren't too big or too small,they have a somewhat ghostly feel to them?
They had furniture in them already
The first room looked like it was a play room filled with old,raggedy toys
Which Kelly wanted to play with though I said she shouldn't
The next room had a balcony sort of thing.
And the rest of the rooms were sorta boring generic rooms.
There was another floor but I said to Kelly we should go back down to mom

We went down to mom and she asked us about the rooms and we talked to her about the old toys and everything,
But we were getting hungry I asked if we could have food
She told us to sit at the table so we did
Kelly is one of the most pickiest eater I ever met so finding something she wanted was hard considering we didn't really have food on hand
So we just ordered a pepperoni pizza.

(Time skip brought to you bye drained bitch)

It was getting late and we were extremely tired. So we were gonna go to sleep in our
pre-furnished bedrooms.
The odd thing is that the rooms were scattered? In a way
Like two of the rooms were on the 2nd floor,a room in the 3rd floor and another room in the attic.
Very odd indeed
I kinda wanted to take the attic bedroom to be honest
I'm tired of being around Kelly and mom for a while
I tapped moms shoulder
"I want the attic bedroom"
I say bluntly
"What? Why"
She asked in a confused tone
"Uhm I just want to,don't really have a reason why" I lied because mom would take it the wrong way if I said I didn't want to hang around them.
"I'll think about it."
She said
I hated when she said that,that usually means she will take about 2 weeks to think of an answer
And will snap at you if you ask again.

We stayed up a bit longer and then mom said we should bring us to our rooms
She whispered
"You can stay in the attic bedroom if you really want to"
She said with a sigh
I was very confused,deeply confused
She's acting different that usual
Not that it's an issue for me
I like it
"Er..thanks mom"
I say
"Kelly come here we're going to bed!"
She shouted because Kelly was busy playing with her dolls
She walked over to us and we went upstairs
I haven't actually been in the attic bedroom yet but it can't be that bad
For all I know it could be the best room in the house! Kidding knowing my luck it'll be the worst one.
"Goodnight Kelly night mom"
I say tiredly
"Goodnight!" Kelly says peeping her head from the door in her my little pony pyjamas
"Night Elliot"
Mom said
I walk up another 2 flights of stairs and up a ladder into the attic
It was better then I thought it was gonna be.
It obviously wasn't,dazzling or anything special but it was..nice? I don't know if you could call it nice but it wasn't bad
I flop onto my bed.
I was too tired to take off my clothes and get into my pyjamas so I just lay there in my white oversized tee shirt and sweat pants
At least I managed to get my shoes and jacket off before I keeled over.
It didn't take me long for me to drift off to sleep.

                                                                                                                                          Word count: 985

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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