Piconjo & other 'Villains'

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Piconjo would have level 75 Aegislash and a lvl 75 Persian (Alolan), Aegislash cuz sword, Persian was just a random one (also cuz of Meowth and his role in the anime, they are usually perceived as bad I guess)

Convict would definite have a Zygarde (level 75), and a Ditto (level 71), mainly because he can relate to them (they all can transform into things, whether it be other forms, other Pokémon, or other people)

Casandra would have a lvl 78 Marshadow and a level 74 Delphox (her 'fursona' would have been a fennec fox, Delphox looks kinda like one, it's basic counterpart Fennekin does too.)

Bad Captain would have...... a level 76 Metagross, that's it. That's all he gets :)

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