At the police grounds...

"Men! We've got incoming!"

The dogs finally made in out of the woods.

"See?! Told you they'd get them out!" said Diesel.

"My word!" said Apollo.

"I know!" said Pearl.

Doug and Delilah noticed Godfrey coming out of the woods. "Godfrey!"

"You're here! Thank goodness!" said Godfrey.

"What happened?" said Doug.

"Some of us managed to escape! Others are still back there fighting off the bad men!"

"What about our pups?!" said Delilah.

"They're there! As well as the young human boy who helped free us!"

"Right! Doug, we're going in!"

"Yes!" said Doug.

The parents rushed into the woods.

"Alright men! Let's move out!"

All of the police rushed into the woods.

The Doc, his face covered in scratches, staggered out of the office room to see the unfolding chaos. He then noticed Hesher sitting up on the stage and went to him. "Mr. Hesher, this is bad! We have to get out of here!"

Hesher could not believe what was happening. "It's ruined! All that hard work ruined! And all because of..." He then noticed Hunter fighting in the crowd. "Him!" Hesher grabbed his cane and immediately rushed off the stage.

"Mr. Hesher!" said the Doc.

Fergus caught sight of Hesher making his way towards Hunter. "Kid, behind you!"

Hunter turned to see Hesher charging towards him with his cane raised. He quickly blocked the cane with his gun.

"You little brat!" said Hesher. "Do you have any idea what you've done?! I don't know how you managed to find us, but you definitely will not be leaving this place alive!"

Hunter fought Hesher to the best of his abilities, but the latter was relentless. "What could you possibly have against dogs that would make you want to enslave them?!"

"Who need a reason to hate something lesser than dirt?!" said Hesher. "Dogs are dirtbags made for one purpose: to obey! That's all they are! That's all they ever will be!"

"And just how many have you put down that didn't obey?!"

"More than you can count!" Hesher's attacks started getting fiercer.

"What about other animals?! Have you thought about mistreating them as well?!"

"We don't give a darn about other animals either! It's the mutts we can't stand the most!"

Dylan and Dolly noticed Hunter was having a handful with Hesher.

"Yo! That guy's seriously trying to kill him!" said Dolly.

"Come on! We have to hurry!" said Dylan.

The siblings dashed through the battle crowd trying to get to Hunter.

"You remind me of a certain someone!" said Hunter. "But unlike that someone, you're just a mad man who only wants to see dogs suffer!"

"And you're just a filthy doglover like the rest of them!" Hesher kicked Hunter in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. He pressed his foot down on the boy, pinning him to the ground. He raised his cane in the air, ready to strike it down on Hunter's head. "This is what happens when you mess with the big boys!"

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