A Protagonists Grand Entrance

Start from the beginning

I catch it and smile at him. "Wow you're so smart Kokichi!"

"Yeah. Whatever just do it already." It was completely unphased. What a brat. I held the light up to his face and turned it on.

Kokichi's POV

I woke up, with my head rested on.. a school desk? I immediately shot my head up and looked around. Where am I? How did I even get here? I tried to wrack through my brain to remember but to no avail my brain was blank.

I stood up and walked out, looking around and seeing not a single soul. I sighed and just walked back into the class room and sat on a desk.

"Oh kidnappperrrss! Come out come out!! I'm all alone and free to kill!" I called out. No answer. So was I just trapped in some random building? And God am I hungry- how long have I been here.. "Come on I'll be late for school! And teach said he'd never ever ever forgive me if I flunk another day!"

"Oh well I'm so so sorryy, how about I get you to class now??" I turn around to see a small bear. One half was white while the other was purple and black checkers. "Come on Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader"




"Alright." I got up and followed the bear willingly. What the fuck is that. And what the hell is going on here!? The corridors were all so familiar but I've never been here before in my life. "So. You're a robot huh?"

"I oh so love the small talk, please keep it up." So he wasn't one for talk. What a dick.

We made our way over to a gym and the bear opened the door. 15 other people stood there and looked at me but I only recognised one.

"Shuichi? Wow what a small world!" I went to him and smiled wide. "I haven't seen you since junior highhh!"

"O-oh- hello Ouma-" He covered his face with his hat. Same as ever.

"So uh- who the hell kidnapped me. And is anyone even gonna offer me a beverage-?! I'm practically dying over here!" I whined. But everyone just looked at me with judgemental eyes. Tough crowd.

All the lights in the gym suddenly turn off and I grabbed Shuichi's arm. A spot light shines onto the stage as the bear from before hops on, and 4 more stand next to him.

"AHEM! Welcome to Hopes Peak academy!" A red one said. "My name is Monotaro and I will be one of your teachers this term!" He bows and the others clap. "These are my colleagues, Monosuke, Monophanie, Monolie and mono-... mono.."

"My name is Monodam. Silly. Silly brother." The green one spoke up.

"Oh alright. Uh. Anyways. We will be your teachers for the remainder of your entire, sad sad lives." Well that sure was ominous.

"I'm sorry the rest of our lives-?" A girl, wearing a clover broach, asked. "But it just school isn't it..?"

"I still don't get why we're even here. And that just means you're the ones who kidnapped up and are now trying to kill us!" A crowned boy yelled.

The pink robot looked as though it was sweating? "Now now please calm dow-"

"What exactly do you want from us, stuffed bears!" A boy held up a gun and the bears hid behind one and other. Each of us students also stood away form him. "Either tell me who is running this shit show or I'll have to just get it from you by force!" He spat but was soon shut up as 2 people grabbed him arm.

"I don't think threatening them is a good option." A girl who looked much like the boy, just more feminine, spoke.

"Agreed.. please lower your weapon." Shuichi forcefully lowered the boys arm. That's a side I've never seen before- the boy just slapped Shuichi's hand away and put his gun in his pocket.

"The students are being a little less co-operative than father would like.." The yellow one sighed. "Where the hell is he anyway? That bastard should of shown up with Ouma stepped in!"

"Me-?" I blinked

"Upupupupuuu! I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting!!!" That voice rang throughout the speakers... that voice...

Another spot light shone onto the stage and a bigger, black and white bear stood proudly.

"My name is-"

"Monokuma.. and you're the principle of this beautiful school." I spoke without thinking.. no. My brain was speaking for me, as if a certain part was reaching out like an SOS call.

"Excuse me, Mr Kokichi Ouma. But that's my line!!" The bear shouting. But I couldn't stop myself.

"Hopes peak academy is very proud to present its killing game upon its very own students" Everyone stared be at me in shock. "Thats right. A killing game. That bear didn't kidnap us to kill us, we're here to kill eachother ourselves for Monokumas pure boredom. Riggghhhtt?" I smirked as I looked at the bears irritated face.

"WELL HOW RUDE!!!" He just shoves a box onto the floor and huffs. "You ruined my entire dramatic moment you purple asshole!"

"Wow using such vulgar language for a student, Mr headmaster. I might just have to sued!" I laughed and jumped onto the stage, petting the bear. "Now if you wouldn't mind fucking off. I personally am not gonna let anyone one of these d-listers kill me nor am I gonna kill any of them. Thanks for the offer though." I looked in the box and grabbed a tablet from it. I climbed off the stage and walked out the room.

I may be patting my own back here, but I think I really showed that bear who the boss is. I am the Ultimate Supreme Leader after all! So I opened my tablet and looked through it, learning everyone's names and talents. That kid with the gun from earlier.. his name is Rei. And the girl who's stopped him is his twin sister Mana. Nothing I should worry about.

A felt a hand grab my shoulder and I turned around, punching the person straight in the nose- only to quickly realise that person was Shuichi. "Oh fuck- sorry-"

"N-no- no it's fine.." He uses his sleeve to cover his bloody nose. "I just wanted to ask what was that-"

"You mean the whole monologue? Kinda just a hunch.. I can't really put my finger on what though." I took my scarf off and moves Shuichi's arm, using the scarf as a make shift tissue. "Hold that there, would you."

"Oh sure- but.. its like you knew that bear exactly through and through- have you met him before?"

"Not that I know off. I mean i must of to just blurt out all that right." This entire scenario is already so confusing.. but one thing was clear... "...Shumai."

"Yes Ouma?" He looked at me intensely.

I looked back, just as intense before holding up my tablet and pointing at the map. "This place has a kitchen!! And I'm absolutely famished!" He blinked before laughing. And we both walked over to the dining area.

So let me get this straight. I wake up, in a random building. I was kidnapped by bears and somehow I know these bears even though I've never met them. Also I'm in a fun fun oh so FUN killing game. At least Shuichi is here I guess... welp.

I wonder how this will play out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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