Chapter 2

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"I do not wish to be a king!"

Cain stood firm in front of the Queen. He arrived at dawn after he finally found the palace. He realized the time wouldn't have been wasted if it wasn't for that insane girl he met in the fields. His boots were ruined. His shirt torn because there was a chunk of a path that was covered in thorns. He looked gruesome, and he feared the Queen won't take him seriously. She was just as he remembered her. He longed to meet her for so many years. Yet he met with nothing but stone-cold gaze. It was hard to tell if his words had any impression on her. He noted that she was alone. And wondered where the king of England was?

"And why so?" asked the Queen, indifferently.

"I do not know how to lead a country. My interests lie in travelling, exploring and enjoying my life. I cannot be a slave to people's expectations of me."

"Don't you think being a king is an honour?"

"It certainly is. The job is just not for me."

"Don't you think anyone else would take the offer?"

"They certainly would."

"What good will your travels do if you can't leave a mark?"

Cain thought about it for a second.

"I could leave a mark."

"No, you wouldn't. You would entertain yourself with new experiences, but the life would stay unchanged. Being a king would give you a say if you wish to change anything."

"I don't have an opinion in country's matters."

"Now you will."

"I can never be like you," said Cain, hoping the Queen could hear him.

"You are my nephew. It runs in our blood. And I could not give the throne to anybody else."

"You barely know me! You never came to visit."

"The Queen has a lot of duties to fulfil."

"I do not want that life," Cain kept insisting, but to no avail.

"If you don't take up a throne, I will take your head."

Queen couldn't have been serious. He was her blood. And he had zero ability to lead. He would be lying to himself if he said he cared for England or for Englishmen.

"There are far greater things at stake," said the Queen. "There's a rebellion being plotted against the crown right this very minute."

"I have no interest in that matter," said Cain.

The Queen showed to the guards, and they grabbed Cain at once. He felt pressure in his arms as they started to take him away.

"Wait!" called out Cain.

The Queen ordered to stop.

"There has to be a way to figure this," pleaded Cain.

"There is only one way," said the Queen. "We will hold an inauguration ceremony for you as a new King of Montauville. I will proclaim the diamond of the season. And you will marry the diamond."

"So now I can't even choose my own wife?!"

"Were you planning to? Because I have a perfect candidate for you. And don't you dare mess up my plans. England's crown is hanging by a thread. It is your duty to do as is required."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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