Chapter 1

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Dearest reader,

It has been a year since Kate and Anthony wed, and we are back to our favourite season with no diamond in sight. The Queen waits eagerly to see all the ladies in waiting. I hear, this time, she does not want to be wrong or made a fool of. She is certain that whoever she chooses will be the diamond, married off to a partner alike. She particularly intended to find someone for her nephew, who has inherited a title of a king. A match like no other would be God sent, she was certain.

Yours truly,

Lady Whistledown

Eloise sat bored on the divan reading Lady Whistledown the latest edition. She didn't speak to Penelope any more. Reading the gossip column and knowing who the author was, had a different taste to it. On this lazy afternoon, where all the Bridgertons were together again in the living room, Eloise had but one worry in her mind - Theo. Eloise explicitly told everyone including her Mama that she will not be the one looking for a suitor. Mama decided to let go of another year for Eloise. Given two previous successful marriages, it was best not to pressurise them.

There was not much of interest in Penelope's gossip column, except for one. The Queen granted independence to a small region in the west coast of England called Montauville. They were known for breeding rebellious minds and travel enthusiasts. Along with that, the new king was proclaimed. Though the Queen was technically the Queen of all, the new King was now responsible to carry out more modern and open-minded rules. It allowed for those who were not satisfied with the Queen's ruling to have freedom to escape to that region. But there was something entirely else that Eloise found strange.

"A land can be independent, but a woman cannot?" She thought out loud.

"Might I note, you were granted the most independency of us all," sighed Collin.

It was his turn to find a suitable arrangement.

"Is there a rule that every year a Bridgerton must wed now? You can change that. You're a man," she snarled.

"It's not that I don't wish to be wed. It's just that I don't like the long, excruciating days that finally lead to it. I wish it was easier."

"I will never understand your pain, brother. You and I have different ideas of what is hardship," said Eloise.

Hard is not when you're forced to do that which you already intended to do. Hard is when there's no hope of being with someone your heart intended to. Your heart was not born for this society. Theo, for instance. Eloise was aware that she was smitten and thinking too often of him. Perhaps, it was nothing because she never found herself having these feelings before. She did not know all the deep waters and underwater rocks the feeling of love had hidden. However, she was certain it was something close to it. If they were ever to have a chance with each other, she needed to figure how to make them socially acceptable. Perhaps, she could send him to a private school with the help of Anthony and make him a noble man. Only, she did not know if that was even possible. She did not have cases around her to learn from.

"Is the new king married?" Asked Mama, who was engaged with embroidery in the furthest corner.

"We're not good at choosing kings and princes, Mama," smirked Benedict.

"Perhaps, Hyacinth could still take a note."

"It says he might be coming for the ball," said Eloise, annoyed that she was quoting Penelope's word.

"The Queen must be very proud of her nephew," said Mama.

"Of course, you give independence to a land only to put someone from your family in charge. Does that still make them independent or forever stuck under the same ruling?" Laughed Eloise.

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