"I really needed that, Francis!"

"Yeah." The doctor smiled, "me too, Jeremy." Francis patted him on the shoulder.

"When is the shuttle coming by?"

"Just be ready for seven. I will see ya when you get back."

Jeremy nodded before exiting the consulting room pulling his thirty-two regular blue jeans up into place.

The master mason stood five foot nine inches tall with a solid medium build. Most days he is unshaven, sweaty, and too focused on his work to care about what others think of his appearance. He is simply known as a guy who gets things done.

Jeremy managed a smile for the secretary he has known even longer than Dr. Capella. "See ya next week, Joan."


Dr. Capella printed a few notes for Jeremy's file before placing it in the rack next to the computer monitor. He exited room three and headed back to room one and his next patient, Gwen. A single mother with three kids.

"I hate days like these." Francis muttered to himself before putting on his doctor smile and seeing another old acquaintance from his school days.

Gwen couldn't sit still knowing her hair salon is busier than ever after the covid restrictions were lifted. She is the best hairstylist from here to the city and women flock to her.

Gwen did not believe Francis. "There's got to be a mistake! I've never been sick a day in my life. You've known me forever! I want you to do the tests again. Please, Francis, I have three kids and no damn husband."

"Gwendolyn." Dr. Capella tilted his head then spoke the name she preferred. "Gwen."

Gwen stopped speaking to look at her doctor of the last twelve years. He delivered her last two children and his wife is a regular client at the salon. She knew she could trust him to tell her the truth.

"Gwen, cancer doesn't care that you have three children, a husband, no husband, rich, poor, or even if you believe in God." Francis stopped. "But it does help to have hope."

"Fuck, Francis, I don't have time for cancer. We just opened back up fully after the pandemic. I have house payments, saving for college! The kids and I haven't been on a vacation since I took them to the lake." She shook her head.

Dr. Capella nodded. "I understand Gwen. You don't have time for this. Who could be?" But he was right, cancer doesn't care who you are. "I have four tickets to the Jay's game Saturday. Get your brother to take the kids down to the city."

"Francis, I am not a pity case."

"I had four tickets given to me. But Lynne and I are going to the lake ~ and away from people." The doctor raised an eyebrow then pressed the intercom when Gwen nodded to accept the gift. "Joan, have those tickets arrived yet?"

"Yeah Pumpkin ~ I mean Pete just dropped them off. He didn't look happy." The three had a chuckle over Joan's slip of the tongue.

"Pumpkin? How the hell is he?" Gwen smiled. "It's been years since I've spoken to him. I mean I see him next door all the time but he seems a little ~ weird."

"He's still growing the beard since homecoming three years ago. He kinda looks like one of the guys from ZZ Top."

"But no musical talent!" She laughed.

"Gwen." The doctor waited for her to bring her focus back to him. "There is a shuttle heading down to the city Tuesday. I want you to see my friend, Dr. Corber. She really is the best oncologist I know."

"Tuesday? Austin has soccer and the girls have dance class at the studio." Gwen's mind worked as a mother with a built-in scheduler. "Seventeen appointments a day between Kaylee and I. It's impossible."

"The women will understand."

"They will not find out!" Gwen defied her doctor. "I will go on as if nothing has happened."

"Gwen, think of your kids! They need you now and they will need you in the future." Francis would not take no for an answer. "You've always been there for them. Damn it, Gwen, see Dr. Corber and get a plan together!"

"Francis!" Gwen yelled as she rose from her chair showing her frustration.

The doctor rose from his chair. "Gwendolyn Printin, you are going to see Dr. Corber! Now clear your schedule!" Francis equaled Gwen's determination and prevailed.

"Okay!" Gwen screamed. "When is the shuttle going to the city?" She pressed her lips together as she looked out the window at the young green leaves of a Manitoba Maple tree in late spring.

"Tuesday morning. Be ready by seven." Dr. Capella continued. "Have your health card, and be prepared to be poked and prodded by the best team in the country."

Gwen chuckled. "So you're sending me the Yankees?"

The doctor frowned. "Yankees?"

"The best team? The Yankees are on top of the division." She managed a smile.

Francis finally clued in. "Ha ha ha!" He gave Gwen the sarcastic laugh. "It's still early in the season and Junior hasn't even gotten hot yet."

"You are optimistic, Doc!" Gwen tugged on her skirt as she stood. "But I like the new third baseman."

The laugher relieved the stress as they pointed at each other before Francis collected himself enough to type a remark in Gwen's file as she gazed out the window again.

Gwen looked back at her doctor. "Hey Francis, I haven't laughed like that since the hypnotist came to town for that Christmas special."

Francis looked up and surprised her. "I haven't laughed like that since I spoke to your neighbor, Jeremy!"

The smile fell from her face. "Oh, that guy..." Gwen did not finish her sentence.

"That guy?" Francis smiled. "Let me guess, meticulous about his lawn, paints his fence every year, shines his truck every other Saturday."

"Freaky ~ but accurate." Gwen looked at her doctor. "He makes me feel ~ I don't know. Lazy?" She shrugged.

"He's not a bad guy. Just likes things a certain way." Francis defended Jeremy.

"He never looks happy. He will likely be the grumpy old man of the street." Gwen looked at Dr. Capella who had a disapproving look on his face. "What? Why the look, Francis?"

Dr. Capella shook his head. "Forget it." He smiled, then reminded her. "Tuesday at seven."

Gwen nodded before heading out of the door.

Francis slapped his forehead before racing to his secretary. "Joan, where are the tickets Pete dropped off?!"

"Hang on, Gwen." Francis handed the Blue Jays tickets to his patient. "The kids will have fun!"

"Thanks, Francis." Gwen gave an agreeing nod.

"Oh, hang on!" Francis looked at his secretary, "Joan, do we have an opening Friday next week?"

"Ah, one o'clock okay?" Joan shrugged. "Only spot open."

"Friday then?" Francis offered.

"Friday is the busiest day at the shop!"

"You won't be there." Francis reminded her.

"Right." Gwen shrugged. "See ya."

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