5-Goodbye Madeline

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Sunrise Consultation Room

"I know this is not something you were expecting, especially on your first day at the clinic, but we need to give Dr. Corber a rest." The Director bore the responsibility for the sudden change. "This is on me. I should have made the call long before today."

Gwen gazed at Dr. Michael Fraser. "My doctor at home said Dr. Corber was the best."

"She really is the best, Gwen." Michael acknowledged. "And I have been her protege for the past four years."

Madeline entered the Sunrise room.

"So you are good?" Gwen posed the question to Michael.

"If there is one thing Michael has always been, it's humble. So I will answer that for him." Gwen watched Madeline smile.

"Dr. Corber!" Gwen shot up to meet her. "Dr. Webster filled me in. You need this time! Man, she is a great boss to recognize you need to take a time out!"

Hearing Gwen tell her it was a good decision made Madeline sigh in relief. "So you are okay with this? I felt like I was running from my responsibilities."

"I mean, yeah, of course, I am okay with this!" Gwen pointed to Michael. "As long as you say, he can help me through this!"

"Dr. Fraser will prove he can see you through this." Madeline reminded Gwen of an important fact. "There are still no guarantees."

"Got it!" Gwen hugged Madeline just before the doctor excused herself.

She made her way to the entrance of the clinic. She slowed her pace and watched Jeremy rolling the bill of his Blue Jays baseball cap forming an arch before snugging it into position on his head. Madeline contemplated aloud. "Why won't you stay, Mr. Ruggedly Handsome?" She headed outside.

The light rain had stopped earlier making the spring air sticky. "I think the humidity shot way up after the rain." The doctor waited for Jeremy to respond. "Why not wait inside?"

The small-town man looked up at the oncologist. "You will not talk me into staying, Doctor."

"It's Madeline." She smiled.

"Doctor Madeline..." Jeremy witnessed her shaking her head. "I don't get it."

"I am officially on a leave of absence." Madeline forced a smile. "A little me time. So, will you come inside with a person named, Madeline?" She tilted her head towards the entrance.

Jeremy stood, grabbed the handle of the door that Madeline opened, and followed her into the cooled air of the clinic. His body reacted to the environment by sweating profusely. Quickly his royal blue t-shirt began to break out in sweat patches under his arms, shoulders, and chest.

"Would you like some water?" Madeline offered. "Have a seat. I'll grab you a bottle."

Jeremy sat facing the entrance watching for the shuttle. The gravity of his situation began slamming his thoughts like waves onto a rocky shoreline. It did not take long for him to zone out. He snapped back when a cold bottle of water touched his shoulder.

"You really do perspire a lot," Madeline remarked at the shirt soaking up Jeremy's sweat. "Your shirt is a different color now!"

"Well, where I am from, it's called sweat." Jeremy's sarcasm kicked in. "Happens when a person works hard outside. Usually accompanied by dirt and a little satisfaction."

"Really, it is the body's reaction to heat." Madeline smiled. "The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the eccrine sweat glands." She watched Jeremy. "Secreting clear fluids to the surface cooling the body." She raised her eyebrows.

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