29-Help From Above

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Traffic moved slowly but Miguel and Pete managed to cross the border into the USA. They sat in a parking lot and waited for Jeremy to call Pete's cellphone.

The weather continued worsening as the strongest part of the category three Hurricane Grace made landfall engulfing the coast from Corpus Christi, Texas, USA to Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. The strong winds picked up anything not tied down and took them on a journey.

Miguel looked out the windshield periodically, wiping it clean. "Rarely has a storm like this made it through the gulf."

Pete looked at the driver and asked "So what are you saying, Miguel?"

"I am saying it is a sign." The Mexican man continued to explain. "Either it is a sign God does not want your friend to succeed."

Pete reached his hand over to Miguel with an angry look.

But Miguel would complete what he thought. "Or God is testing your friend to see how true his love is for the mother of my little Harmony." He nodded. "I believe God is finding out just how true his love is for her."

Pete nodded and watched the wipers clean the windshield again. "You know he doesn't swim very well, Miguel. Let's check out the river."

"No! Too dangerous!" Miguel disagreed. "If he made it, he will call. Trust him. Trust God."

"God? You think he has time for our little adventure here?" Pete showed his doubt as he elbowed the truck door.

"Si, God is watching over us." Miguel nodded with a smile.

"I'd be surprised if God could see through all this damn rain!" Pete shook his head as he wiped the condensation from the passenger window. "It looks like death and destruction, Miggy."

Pete's cellphone rang. He ripped it from his hoodie. "It's Maddie." He looked at Miguel. "What do I tell her?"

Miguel took the phone from the younger man. "The truth." He answered his passenger's phone. "Hola Senorita, Madeline."

Pete shook his head. "I wouldn't."

Madeline was taken aback. "Ah Miguel, where's Pumpkin?"

"He's afraid to tell you we don't know where Jeremy is." Miguel threw Pete under the bus but the truth is always better.

Pete rolled his eyes then looked out his window at the raging storm. "You had to tell her?"

Miguel looked at his passenger and continued to fill Madeline in. "Senor Pete and I crossed the border. Now we wait for Jeremy to call. It has been an hour now."

Madeline reacted in panic. "Miguel, look for him. Don't wait! What if he is injured or if the border patrol caught him?"

"Senorita, the weather is much too dangerous to look for him." Miguel took a deep breath. "Believe in his plan."

"Whose plan, Miguel? What plan are you talking about?" Madeline fired questions at Miguel.

"We have to go now." Miguel ran his fingers through his thick gray hair then asked the doctor to be positive. "Senorita, please believe." He ended the call and handed the phone back to his passenger. "The truth. Maybe it hurts but never as much as a lie."

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