Chapter 2 | Part 1

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October 15, 2015

Over the next couple of months, Aurora did everything to find Bucky Barnes and when she wasn't she was travelling the world getting rid of old Stark Weapons. Both were difficult tasks. Bucky was a Hydra Assasian so he knew how to hide and people weren't showcasing Stark Weapons to the public but this was Aurora Stark she could do just about anything. 

One random Thursday in October Aurora found him. 

Bucky Barnes was in Bucharest, Romania. 

As soon as Aurora found out she booked a plane ticket for Bucharest and booked a hotel for 3 days. Aurora knew she couldn't just pop over to the guy and be "I'm Aurora Stark I'm currently dead to the public and my family but I actually faked it and I need you to come with me." 

This would be an undercover mission of sorts so Aurora would have to stay for a couple of months. 

Aurora started by sorting all of her food out. Anything that was new and wasn't opened would be donated and anything that was already opened would be eaten by her. Then she cleaned, did laundry and did more boring adult stuff. 

Aurora had planned all of her meals for the week since she would be leaving for Bucharest in 8 days. 

Aurora did more research about Bucky and started tracking him. 

She was excited about what would happen when she saw her boyfriend's best friend. 

October 23, 2015
Bucharest, Romania

Aurora arrived in Bucharest in the afternoon. She made her way straight to the hotel she had booked. After showering and eating dinner Aurora started looking at apartments near where Bucky lived but not too close. 

Thankfully there was one for sale but it was in the same apartment and on the same floor as Bucky. Aurora immediately bought it. To keep herself busy for a while she went to the nearest furniture store and bought a bed and some lamps for herself then went to a grocery store and bought some food. 

Instead of going home she went to the hotel and got all of her stuff from there then drove to her new house in Bucharest. 

As Aurora unloaded her stuff she saw a muscular man with long hair walk up the stairs. It was Bucky. She quickly closed the trunk and walked behind him and tried her best to act casual. 

Bucky didn't seem bothered by her presence which seemed like a good sign. They walked up the stairs onto their floors without a care in the world until Aurora heard a quiet thud above them which made them both tense up. 

Aurora quickly opened her phone and checked the security cameras that were around the building. She checked all the cameras and finally saw what caused the thump.  Her boyfriend (ex-boyfriend? Aurora didn't know how you would classify them anymore) Steve Rogers was walking on the floor above them in his Captain America suit. 

"Cacat." 'Shit ' She muttered cursing in Romanian causing Bucky to look at her weirdly. "Este bine?" 'Are you okay?'  Bucky asked tentatively. "M-am rănit la gleznă. mă poți ajuta să-mi aduc cumpărăturile la apartment?" 'I hurt my ankle. can you help me bring my groceries to my apartment?'  Aurora lied knowing that the only reason Steve would be here is that he knew that Bucky was here or he had found her. 

"Sigur doamnă" 'Sure thing ma'am' Bucky said kindly smiling softly clearly not suspecting anything which made Aurora feel bad. 

Bucky took Aurora's groceries out of her arms and followed her as she 'limped' towards her new apartment as fast as she could to make her act seem believable. 

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