Chapter 2

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Heria POV:

I come back from my work day. Working as a waitress in a café is fun, but sometimes a bit exhausting. Especially when it's time to close. I walk into my little flat and pet my black cat who used to rub my legs.

I have been back on earth for 3 years now. Apart from Paul, I have no one to confide in. And Paul is not around much because of his obligations. I don't blame him, but I feel lonely. Very lonely. Even more so than when I was in hell.

I found out a few months ago that my father is alive and that he is the head of the G-corporation, a biotech company revolutionizing the world of biogenetic research. A company in direct competition with the Mishima Zaibatsu, a powerful giant multinational conglomerate headed by my brother. It was a shock.

I feel completely lost, I don't understand what's going on. I've been away for so long that I don't recognise the world around me anymore. People are crazy and there is an atmosphere of terror and hate. I also heard that my own brother was responsible for all this chaos. How could he do this? What had happened to him?

I hesitated for a long time before taking this step and I still wonder if it is a good idea. But I have no choice. I have to see my brother. I have to understand what happened to him... But how would he react?

As I consider the best strategy, my eyes are drawn to an envelope lying on top of other envelopes on the coffee table. The G-corporation logo was written on it. Intrigued, I grabbed the envelope and opened it. My eyes scan the text inside the letter, when one sentence in particular catches my eye:

"To Heria Mishima."

My eyes widen like saucers. Mishima? My parents were married? My mother had never mentioned that... And why was Jin called "Kazama" and not Mishima? What does that mean? And why is this letter from the G-Corporation? What kind of nonsense is this? My father didn't do this. We just met, it doesn't make sense. I don't understand anything anymore...

Another mystery.

Devil Heria: "He's doing exactly the same as you."

Devil Heria's voice almost made me jump.

"What are you talking about? It doesn't make sense... You mean he's so fatherly that he wanted to change my last name on the birth certificate? And how the hell did he get those papers? I thought it was confidential. "

Devil Heria: "Don't get me involved in this. I had nothing to do with this! And I remind you that he is your father. He has that right..."

"That's nonsense! And anyway, it's not like I can't go and ask him... He doesn't answer the messages I've tried to send him. I'm tired of it all."

Heria the devil: "Are you tired yet? You poor thing, you're not out of it yet." She says in a sarcastic voice.

I massage my face then get up from the couch I was sitting on, then grab my coat.

"That's enough, I've waited long enough! If it's like this, I'm going to go straight over there and if I have to make a scene in this bloody company, I'll do it! I need to talk to my brother, it's urgent!"

I leave the flat, but I don't realise I'm being followed. I was too pissed off to realise it. Finally, after several minutes I find myself in front of the Mishima Zaibatsu tower. I gather my courage and enter the building. My eyes almost pop out of their sockets when I see the security guards surrounding me as if I were a criminal.

Security guard: "Identify yourself!"

"Wow... I'm not here to... "

I don't have time to finish my sentence as the soldiers point their guns at me. I freeze in place for a moment.

*Well, well... the welcoming committee? Pathetic. I'll remember to tell Jin about it when I see him*, I think to myself.

"My name is Heria.... I wish to see Mr. Kazama, it's important"

Devil Heria: "You should have listened to me and directly broke the window of his office as I suggested, it would have saved you the embarrassment..." She whispers in my ear.

I ignore Devil Heria's words and focus on the armed soldiers who had relaxed their position. Relief...


Jin's POV

... Six months after Jin's victory over Azazel. ...

I spend a lot of time in isolation and slowly lose my way from time to time. Over the years I seem to lose sight of who I am and whether I have a different purpose. But it no longer seems to matter. The war goes on. I have resumed my position as leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu. But the defeat of Azazel was for nothing, and now I have to deal with the chaos I created. The only thing I have to do is kill Kazuya and Heihachi to end this cursed lineage.

As I sit in my office thinking, I feel a great coldness surrounding me, a very familiar feeling. It's a bit like what I felt when I first saw my father... but it's different here. There's a kind of kindness, a gentle soul, like something I would protect... or someone. But this is...wait a minute.


But how? I run to the widow and Heria is standing there, surrounded by my men at gunpoint, and the rush I feel like lightning throughout my body. Before I can tell my men to stand down, I feel something familiar emanating from my twin. Was it... a demon?

"Impossible! "

My eyes widen like saucers as I see e Devil of Heria attack my men, it was a blast of lightning that threw my men several feet away and all to the ground.

"Everyone withdraw immediately! Get back to your post, I'll take it from here!"

Looking at Heria, I hesitate to speak. I was in shock. total of her power. But there's something different about her devil. It's like she's talking directly to him, like she's two in one. Like my father and I, she is driven from within.

*So Heria is also possessed by the devil's gene? How is this possible? I wonder to myself

There have been traumatic experiences, like my father being thrown off a cliff. There was a bit left over until he won the first King Of Iron Fist Tournament. Myself, because Heihachi betrayed me after I defeated my mother's killer, Ogre.

Uh, the rest. Let's just say I've stopped caring about who I hurt, I just want this miserable nightmare to end. I know that people were unable to understand my true motives behind my actions. But it didn't matter.


Heria POV

I see the soldiers still standing walking away from me. I relax a little. The lobby is almost empty now. Only Jin and I are left. My body freezes for several seconds. Seeing my brother after all these years is a shock to me. I didn't think it would have such an effect on me. He has changed so much...

"Jin..." I whisper.

"Come with me, I really need to talk to you."

The dark fate of a cursed familyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant