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Ok, last night, we had company over and I couldn't get on my phone. Actually yesterday all day I was busy, first I had that band thing I talked about last chapter, then I had a soccer game (we lost 4-3 ;-; ) then I had to go to Sam's club (I got a pretzel!) and before we went to Sam's I had only ate 6 tiny muffins for breakfast so we went to get lunch then I unpacked my room for like two hours (I listened to FOB while cleaning!) then we had company over but after my friend left at like 11:30 so I watched a marathon of Deathnote until almost three and then I fell asleep but I didn't find out until this morning that my dad's friends didn't leave our house until 4:30. Also, I think my house is haunted. And while I was cleaning I pulled two muscles but it wasn't serious so I didn't go to the hospital! But now my leg is sore because of that stupid muscle!

Now that yesterday is out of the way, I have to say what happened today.

I started a garden and watched Gravity Falls.

Thank you!! I'll be back later!

4/19/15 1:24

I also have a party to go to later.


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