Chapter 11

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Steve was glad Bucky wasn't angry at him anymore. He hated the fact that Bucky was mad at him. Although it did seem odd that he had forgiven him so quickly. He brushed off his uneasiness, he was just happy he and Bucky were on good terms again. Steve got up and decided to walk around the old apartment Bucky used to live in. He remembered all the times they stayed up all night together. Told each other about their plans about joining the army and whether or not they would make it out alive. All of their childhood memories were created in this place. Steve knew he would never forget any of it. Everything back then was different and so much simpler. Some days he wished he would go back to that time. To be fair, he missed most of that era because of being on the ice.

He walked through the entire house, reminiscing about the old life that he wished he could relive once again. He soon noticed that the apartment was too quiet. He didn't know what it was but he had an eerie feeling. He went back to the living to find Bucky still sitting in the place before. He was sitting abnormally still. He put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey Buck, are you alright?" He asked with concern. Bucky whipped his head backwards, his eyes were red and he was burning up a sweat. "Wow, Bucky. Are you alright?" Steve asked panic setting in. Bucky chuckled ominously. "Never better." He said darkly, as he got up. Steve backed off, knowing something was wrong. "Who are you?" Steve questioned, grabbing the shield that was next to him. "I'm surprised you didn't realize it sooner" Bucky laughed, stepping closer to Steve. "You and Bucky are such good buddies, I thought you would see right through my pathetic act." He said as he flexed his arm.

"What did you do to Bucky?" Steve growled. "I just put him to sleep for a while. Now it's my time for control." He grinned maliciously. 'Who are you?" Steve asked him in confusion. "I'm the real Winter Soldier." He said as he grinned even wider.


Elena's plan was finally falling into place. She knew once Bucky was vulnerable enough, she would be able to get control of him. It was too easy. Bucky was weak but the Winter Soldier was powerful. She hoped Bucky would be out long enough for her to keep the Winter Soldier in control. She planned all of this, ever since Nat came to save Bucky. They thought they had won. They were wrong. That was just the beginning. She finally was able to figure out to have complete control over Bucky. She inserted a chip in his head that allowed her to activate the formidable Winter Soldier. It was far more effective than the book that countless leaders had used before. This was guaranteed to sustain for a longer period of time.

She was going to build her army. No one is going to stop her. She was the most powerful person in the world right now. She had her earpiece on and could hear everything that was happening between Steve and the Winter Soldier. All she needed now was the Black Widow, then everything would be set. It won't be long now.


Nat knew she would be caught when she breaks Hydra. No, she needed to be caught for her plan to work. She needed to find answers. Ivan needs to be the one to capture and interrogate her. It won't be an easy task then again, nothing is easy about being an Avenger. If Ivan really turns out to be her dad then she will finally have her a part of her family back. She will feel like her old self. It would be nice to have a family again. She loved the Avengers, they were family to her but they were not family by blood. That was something else entirely. Maybe after that, she will reconcile with Bucky. The one other person she loved more than anything in the world. He was her everything. He always will be. She just hoped he was okay. She never heard from him in a while. She knew Steve and would still keep in contact so she would just have to ask Steve about Bucky.

She missed Bucky so much, he was the first person she wanted to tell about Ivan. He would've understood her and helped her out on this mission. She quickly wiped the tears that fell down. There was no time for crying now. She had a mission to complete. Being under Hydra's control did have its benefits. She now knew all the ins and outs of the place. Getting in wouldn't be a problem. She waited outside the building, waiting for the guards to move along so she could sneak in. She timed it perfectly, but when she reached the door she found that it was locked. She realized she didn't have much time for picking a lock so she implanted a small detonator on the door handle, efficiently blowing up the door. It was loud enough for the guards to come running but by the time they arrived, she was already inside. Mission accomplished. She smiled to herself.

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