"Don't crowd around him." // SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 16

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what kind of trauma was that episode my gods ow it's been a half since I've seen it and I'm still sad and shaking

I only have pictures from the first 20 minutes because after that I started crying and shaking a lot and couldn't take anymore screenshots

I only have pictures from the first 20 minutes because after that I started crying and shaking a lot and couldn't take anymore screenshots

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hunter you wouldn't be saying these things later in the episode you freaking grimwalker

I'll bet a lot that those are Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf I'm glad they helped Eda make the potion thing to bring hunter and Luz back I love them

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I'll bet a lot that those are Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf
I'm glad they helped Eda make the potion thing to bring hunter and Luz back I love them

I'll bet a lot that those are Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf I'm glad they helped Eda make the potion thing to bring hunter and Luz back I love them

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flapjack <3 it was cute when hunter told flapjack he loved him dvndgj

flapjack <3 it was cute when hunter told flapjack he loved him dvndgj

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"I don't get scared easily"
*gets scared*

I was trying to get a screenshot of their height difference but landed on this frame instead and idk I like it cuz to me itseems like hunter low-key wanted to protect Luz and he did later in the episode

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I was trying to get a screenshot of their height difference but landed on this frame instead and idk I like it cuz to me itseems like hunter low-key wanted to protect Luz and he did later in the episode

I was trying to get a screenshot of their height difference but landed on this frame instead and idk I like it cuz to me itseems like hunter low-key wanted to protect Luz and he did later in the episode

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hunter really denying everything about Belos ( or should I be calling him Philip?)

those are all the screenshots I have but please talk to me I'm sad about this episode and I have theories and things I wanna write related to it :'(

toh pictures on my phone Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu