You're taller than them •1•

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•The dormheads•


-hes used to it but you a magicless Human! That just makes him more aware of it. One time he tried to use high heles to try and be taller.

-Failled atemts were everywher to the ducktaped books to a growth potion.Needles to say he was defeated.

-he decided to use it to his advantege he Made you carry his stuff almost everywhere.

-succses ✅


- he first noticed when you were hanging out together After the Overblot. He like Riddle was devastadet Not becose he was used to it no on the contuary he was used to being taller he was in pure shock and tried to denie it by saying You're shoes were the fault so you both compared height without shoes.

-he was...lets just say Not to pleased That you were still taler but That doesent mean he cant kick you as revenge 

-he just got used to it sence he was not missing the opertunity to tease you about it. He shut up about it when you mentiond his height 

-you learned You're lesson when You're friends visited you in the hospital Wing due to 3 broken ribs , a broken nose and arm.


-„wanna make a Contract?" was his response.

-After politly decling for the 32595 time today you said That you could help him in mostro Lounge if he would leave you alone

-he agreed and never had problems about the contracts ever again 

-and you could afford living in ramshakel with Grimm now.

-it was a win win situation 


-he didn't care to say the Least

-you two had a good time cuddling


-he was NOT pleased when he noticed

-„what Kind of wizardry?what potion?What-„ „IM NOT USING MAGIC NOR A POTION CALM DOWN"

-After he finally calm dow you two had a talk he then relutantly had to acept the fact That he was smaller

-you were still poisend in the end but you two were A ok after That.


-he thought he may have drunk a shrinking potion

-he was not having it 

-the next morning you were smaler than him and said That he had Drink a shrinking potion

-you lookt down and saw high heels 

-the next morning you found You're Self on the Sofa and did not know how you got there


-he was happy. Why?

-he now had a boddy gourd That protected him from the bullies and you had someone that liked Anime and vidio games as much as you sooo...

-the next morning you Where in his room with 25 energie Drinks sourounding the both of you and  mariocart sounds running in the backround

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