We meet again...

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Scott's POV

It had been a few weeks since I had last talked to Jimmy. After the 3rd life battle, we haven't talked since. He's probably angry at me anyway, since I wasn't able to save him from being shot. I have to admit, I do miss him, but I can't bring myself to see him. I can't bare the thought of him hating me, so it's best to keep my distance for now. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done.


I was sitting in my room, reading a book, then I heard a small squawk coming from my window. I looked up to see a messenger owl perched on the windowsill. I closed my book, got off my bed and walked over to the white owl and took the envelope that was strapped around its leg.

Dear King Scott of Rivendell,

You are invited to the union of King Joel of Mezalea and Queen Lizzie of the Ocean Empire. please join us on this special day in Mythland, at the Church of the Blood Sheep. This event will be held tomorrow evening.

We hope to see you there.


King Joel and Queen Lizzie

Joel and Lizzie are getting married? That's great, Ill definitely be there. I sat at my desk and got out my pen to start writing a reply.

~The day of the wedding~

Jimmy's POV

The wedding was in a couple hours, so I had to get ready. I chose my best suit and put it on, then got everything else ready for when I had to leave.

~The time of the wedding~

I looked at the time and started panicking, I was going to be late, the wedding was starting in twenty minutes. I grabbed everything I needed and ran out the door, making my way to Mythland.

I got there just in time, everyone was just walking in to take there seats. I sat down near the back of the church and looked around to see who was here. To the left of me I saw Queen Gem of the Crystal Cliffs Empire, King Sausage of Mythland, King fWhip of the Grimlands and Queen Katherine from House Blossom. To the right I saw King Joe of the Lost Empire, Queen Pearl of the Smallholding Empire and King Pixl of Pixandria. In front of me I could see Queen Shrub of the Undergrove and...King Scott of Rivendell. If Scott was here, that meant I could talk to him after the ceremony. I zoned out for the rest of the wedding, and I know I should have been watching, I mean, my sister was getting married, but I just couldn't think of anything else but Scott.

~After the wedding~

Scott's POV

The wedding was over and everyone was congratulating the newly wed bride and groom. I was making my way over to congratulate them as well, until I saw him, the person I had been working so hard to avoid, standing right in front of me.

"H-Hey..." He looked just as worried as I felt.

"Uh, hi" I said, looking to the ground. I didn't really want to speak to him, I didn't want to know how he felt. It scared me just thinking about how he must hate me. I had to get out of here.

"Um...I wanted to ta-"

"I-I have to go..." I ran out of the church and sat outside on the grass. I could feel my face heat up and tears well up in my eyes. I hadn't seen him since 3rd life, I had been avoiding him, not wanting to think about how he must hate me, it had been working until today, I see him, standing there, everything I had been holding back came pouring to the surface. It hurt seeing him today, I missed him so much.

Jimmy's POV

I watched Scott run out of the church and was about to run after him when someone appeared behind me.

"Hey bro, what's up?" I turned to look at my sister.

"Hey Lizzie, not much. Congrats by the way." I said, absent-minded. I was still thinking about Scott, I wanted to go after him, but I couldn't with Lizzie here. She might think I'm ditching her on her wedding day.

"Thanks, was that Scott? Why was he running?"

"I-I don't know..." I looked down and thought about it for a moment. Was he angry with me for something? What did I do wrong? Why was he-

"JIMMY!" I snapped back to reality and looked up, Lizzie was standing there, a mix of an angry and confused look on her face. 

"S-Sorry I...I just zoned out. What where you saying?" She looked at me, knowingly.

"Is something going on with you two? Now that I think about it, I haven't seen either of you really intera-"

"Lizzie! It's fine, ok?" I looked to her apologetically, "sorry I just-"

"It's ok, I understand" I felt really bad for yelling at her, I shouldn't have taken it out on her. 

Once everyone had finally left, it was just me, Lizzie and Joel left, as well as a few others staying to help pack up. I found Lizzie and took her to a private place away from everyone else.


"Yeah? Is everything ok? Why did you bring me here?" 

I was about to answer her, but before I could, I burst out crying. Lizzie comforted me until I calmed down, that wasn't for a while though.

When I calmed down, she sat me down on a chair and asked me what was wrong.

"I just...m-miss h-him so m-much..." I said, through sobs.

"Miss who?" Lizzie was so confused, I could tell, then she fell silent as she must have realized what I meant. "S-Scott?"

"Yes..." I sniffed.

"What happened? I thought you two were happy?" 

I explained everything that had happened since 3rd life finished. I told her about how I thought Scott was angry at me, about how he would avoid me, given the chance, and about what had happened today when I tried talking to him. 

She calmed me down and told me I was probably overthinking this, like I usually do, but I could see a hint of dis-belief in her eyes.

Scott's POV

Sitting on my bed, all I could think about was seeing Jimmy today, he didn't seem too angry, more...sad. I wasn't sure why though. I thought he was angry...? For the rest of the night, Jimmy was all I could think about. I couldn't get to sleep until early in the morning.

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