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I sat in the living room, switching between helping Nick and Andrew with their homework and just hanging out. I was supposed to go over to Andrew's the next day to tutor him. His mom even offered to pay, I heavily discounted her. Jay asked about me coming over to help him but Nick and Andrew begged me not to. I said I'd think about it. I occasionally helped Jessi, she always got pissy though. Then I realized, she liked Judd.

I closed my notebook and stood. "I'll see you later little dudes, I'm gonna go chill with Judd." A chorus of goodbyes as I ascended the stairs. I walked into Judd's room and sat on the bed. He wasn't there but I figured he was close by, the smell of his cologne was strong. I hummed softly and opened my notebook, making little doodles on random pages.

Judd walked in shortly after and sat down next to me. "Got tired of my brother and his friends?" He asked, rolling his eyes. "No, just wanted to see you." I replied, not looking up from my notebook . "Some of them aren't that bad." I added. He nodded. "Andrew is pretty awful. Jerked off to Leah's bathing suit." He stifled a laugh. "And one night, he came on our couch." I stared at him in shock. Andrew was a perv but I couldn't imagine him doing something like that. Okay, maybe I could when it came to jerking to Leah's bathing suit. And from what Nick told me, the porn addiction.

Judd and I ended up going out later that day, just trying to find something to do, anything. We stopped at a park then went to Planned Parenthood to harass the protestors. My idea. They weren't happy about the point that Planned Parenthood did other things besides abortion and it was important work too. Nothing but broken records. I also informed them about PP helping pregnant people in other ways. Judd and I ended up getting bored, a few others took over after watching us verbally abuse them. At least after they stopped pretending to listen. Then we verbally abused them. Especially when they'd target another person going in.

We decided on going on a date. Apparently a video of us harassing the protestors was going around, viral now. Many hate comments about us bothering those people, many more about how we were in the right. I chuckled to myself at some of the comments. Judd enjoyed reading them with me as we waited for our food. I ran a hand through my hair, shaking my head. "Hey, you did good. Pretty fucking funny." He said with a laugh.

We grabbed our bag and headed outside, sitting down on a curb. A few stank looks, passing comments. I waved each time. Regardless, I enjoyed my food and spending time with Judd away from everyone. I groaned quietly, remembering I'd have to go to Andrew's tomorrow. Knowing what I knew, it made me pretty uncomfortable but he at least deserved good grades - no, because of Missy. She could've helped him thrive but he stalked and harassed her. Nick told me everything but I'd promised. "Don't go." was Judd's only advice.

After we'd gone back to his, everyone was gone. At least Nick's friends. Leah had a few over, some I recognized. Like Tallulah, nicknamed The Blowjob Machine a while back. Of course, after the guy was revealed to be a head-pusher, she lost it. I've never seen someone so happy to just be called their name. I waved at her in passing and nodded at Leah. "Brought you a burger." I said, holding up the paper bag with the restaurant's logo. "Nice. Put it in the kitchen for me?" "Course." "Write Judd's name on it please!" She added. Understandable, no one would touch it if it had his name on it. He was kind of unpredictable.

I sat Leah's bag in the microwave, Judd's name plastered on it with several threats. He had done it as our handwriting was very different and I couldn't fake Judd's signature if I wanted. I turned to see Jay standing on the other side of the kitchen. "Ooh what is that? Leftovers?" He asked, raising a bushy eyebrow. "No, a burger of Judd's. He'll skin you, don't touch it." I warned. I got a nod in response. I knew he was gonna eat it but a warning was called a warning for a reason. It was Leah's but Judd would go the extra mile just because.

Of course, when I walked back into the kitchen 45 minutes later, bits and pieces of the bag littered the floor. Ate like an animal. Not unexpected. "Judd!" I called out, kicking the pieces around. I heard a vent pop open from the hall followed by heavy footsteps. He walked into the kitchen and dusted himself off. He always said there were plenty of cobwebs in the vents. "Jay ate that burger!" I was slightly louder than usual. Silence. Judd walked off and various sounds could be heard. I'd tried to warn him. Everyone had scattered. Nick stood in the kitchen with me, the two of us talking shit together.

Judd walked back into the kitchen with a shrug. "Don't touch what I say is mine." I leaned into him, continuing to talk with Nick about people I hated, especially at school. Judd chimed in every so often with "Yeah, she's/he/they are/is a bitch."  or "Fuck them/him/her." He was at least putting effort in and seemed interested, I loved it. I knew he didn't really care but at least he was pretending. Basic human decency means a lot more when that's something you didn't get in previous relationships and it's fucking sad but understood - sometimes. Nick responded with people he didn't like, some were from school, others he just knew. I nodded, agreeing with Nick occasionally when I'd hear a familiar name. A sibling of someone I knew, usually.

LoNg bOi - sorry, I'll never say that again :')

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